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Jan 22, 2022, 7 tweets

once you've got custom twitter searches set up you'll also want to learn a few of twitter's search operators. these are weirdly poorly documented (the documentation i found has ones i don't think work anymore) but here are the ones i personally use to search tweets faster

1. from:username searches tweets from a user, that's how the custom searches for my own tweets and visa's tweets above work. to:username searches tweets to that user. you can combine them to look for a specific interaction if you remember who was involved. example:

2. min_faves:N restricts searches to tweets with at least N likes. at least that's the theory; in practice it doesn't seem to be exactly N, idk what's going on with that. use this to find popular tweets or at least filter out unpopular ones. example:

i use min_faves both to search a specific person's tweets (either i'm looking for a specific popular tweet or i just wanna see their popular tweets) and to search twitter globally for the most popular tweets about some meme or w/e. like this:

3. since:YYYY-MM-DD searches for tweets timestamped on that date or after, until:YYYY-MM-DD searches for tweets timestamped on that date or before. combining both lets you search a date range. example:

and that's it those are all the search modifiers i actually use. if i find more i'll add them here

4. ah i forgot about this one - this one is deprecated for me by the custom search i use but "filter:follows" searches from your follows

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