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Jan 23, 2022, 8 tweets

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's grandnephew : Unfortunately we are hearing hate speeches from certain platforms. Particularly against minorities & Dalits. This would have really upset Netaji because, among his closest followers were people belonging to all religious communities.

The man who received him in Peshawar was Miya Akbar Shah. When Netaji came from Europe to Asia on a 90-day submarine voyage, his only Indian companion was Abid Hasan . The commander of the first division of INA which fought an imphal was Mohammed Zaman Kiani.

The man who raised Tricolour at Moirang near Imphal was Colonel Shaukat Malik. His only companion in his last airplane journey was Habibur Rehman. We all know that at the red fort the British had put on trial a Hindu a Muslim and a Sikh, Prem Sehgal, Shahnawaz & Gurbaksh Dhillon

The man who built the INA Memorial in Singapore with its moto of "Ittefaq Itemad and Khubani" was a Christian officer Serial John strecy. So You can see from the names I've given you how he brought together every one, gave everyone equal rights, equal respect.

So You can see from the names I've given you how he brought together every one, gave everyone equal rights, equal respect. And I think we are backsliding from that commitment today which is why I want to reinforce this point on Netaji's 125th birth Anniversary.

The best monument to Netaji is to adorn and enlarge his legacy of equality & unity. He was the leader of freedom struggle who United Hindus, Muslims Sikhs & Christians in his Azad hind fauj by giving equal rights & equal respect to all. That is something we must remember today.

It's very important to remember his ideas, not just worship him in statues of gold or granites but actually imbibe his real deep ideas which are as relavent in India today as they were during the freedom struggle.

Correction : INA motto - Ittehad* (Unity) Aitemad* (Trust), and Qurbani* (Sacrifice)

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