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Jan 23, 2022, 15 tweets

Launch a Live Webinar

Make $10K in the process

Even if you have zero tech skills

In 6 easy phases


Make $10K selling a webinar:

Price your Webinar/Workshop at $100.

Sell it to 100 people.

Promise to close enrollment on a specific day.

And also say you'll raise the price

Have fun making money!

But how can you set this up?

Let me show you the 6 phases

RT this 🙏

Phase 1:

Create these accounts:

🤑 Gumroad: to sell the webinar

🖥 Zoom: to host the live webinar

👨‍💻 Luma: to automate the webinar follow-ups

You'll only have to pay for Zoom because they limit the time to 45 minutes.

But the other software are free.

Phase 2:

Define your Webinar:

- Webinar's objective
- Date and time
- Price
- Resources you'll provide
- Bonuses

Phase 3:

Create Gumroad product.

Write the sales copy of the webinar.

Your copy must clarify the following:

- Date and time
- Resources and bonuses
- What you'll cover
- Who is for
- Benefits

Phase 4:

Set up a Luma event

Luma is a free app to set up live webinars quickly

Luma will let people register for your event

Luma sends reminders

Luma asks for feedback after the webinar is over

Without step up. They do it automatically

And it's freeee!

What's next?

Create a Luma event.

1. Go to the events section and click the Create Event button

2. Name the event

3. Upload Event cover

4. Connect with Zoom

5. Set day and time

6. Click the create event button

Finally, add some questions to the Luma registration page.

And make them mandatory.

This way you can research what your buyers expect from you.

Set it up:

1. Go the 'questions' section

2. Click the 'edit questions' button

Then add the questions

(steal mine if you want)

Once you're done,

Make sure to remove the event from your profile.

Here's how:

1. Go to the 'Access' section of your event.

2. Then disable 'List on Your Profile' option.

Now it's a private event.

Phase 4.5:

Add the Luma event link to your Gumroad product.

Do this:

Go to the product.


1. Click the Upload your files button

2. Select the 'link to external page'

3. Add the Luma even link

4. Click 'save'

5. Rename the link to Register to the webinar

You're ready

Phase 5:

Create email automation with Gumroad.

1. Go to the Post section

2. Click the 'New Workflow' button

3. Select 'Customers only'

4. Choose the webinar product

5. Click 'Add Mail button'

6. Set when the email will be sent

7. Insert the subject like and copy

8. Save

Use these emails to provide more information to your buyers.

Oh, and saving the email is not enough.

You also have to Publish it.

Once you do, you're giving Gumroad permission to send this email to anyone who purchases your products.

Phase 6:


Start promoting like a crazy person.

If your constant promotion isn't making someone man, you're not promoting enough.

"Stop promoting shit, dude"

Just reply with,


or "Have fun staying poor."

That's all for now.

If you like the thread:

1. Follow me

2. RT the first tweet

Have fun making money.

¡Hasta pronto, amigo!

If you want more information, links, and goodies on how to implement this,

Get it here for free 👇

I expanded on this thread there.

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