Gail Simone 💙💛 Profile picture
Award-winning writer of comics and animation, consultant, producer. Works for DC, Marvel, WB, many many more. Repped by Ari Lubet,

Jan 24, 2022, 8 tweets

We are in a restaurant and the family next to us is talking about a family recipe for Beef Stroganoff and ever one of them, including the children, pronounce it, completely innocently, as ‘Beef Strokin’ Off.’


The first time, it was funny and adorable. Now it hysterical.

The dad said there was NOTHING like his mom’s strokin’ off and that almost killed me.


Help me help help they won’t stop going on about their strokin’ off.


I want to go ask, innocently…”excuse me, I couldn’t help overhearing. How exactly DID your mom do her strokin’ off? What made hers so special?”

Oh, it turns out that grandmama brought HER strokin’ off technique from the old country.

Bless her heart.

Hope she’s with us for a long time, sharing that good strokin’ off with neighbors and friends for years to come.

Good night, grandma!

I bet granny was very popular in her village…


It turns out the secret ingredient was love.

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