Gail Simone 💙💛 Profile picture
Award-winning writer of comics and animation, consultant, producer. Works for DC, Marvel, WB, many many more. Repped by Ari Lubet,
Perpetual Mind Profile picture Joshua Cypess Profile picture Bee Evil Cee Profile picture by znmeb Profile picture JuanK Duran Profile picture 24 subscribed
Aug 14 15 tweets 3 min read
Okay, I thought it'd be fun to answer a few questions that keep popping up regarding Uncanny X-Men regarding nationality.

We couldn't be happier with the response to issue one. I think people know we put our hearts into this book.

Settle in, this will take a bit. :)

1/ Image A LOT of people, mostly from countries our new characters come from, asked why I chose to make a superhero who came from their country specifically.

They're not being accusatory, they mostly are delighted, but they are curious as to the process.

There are a couple reasons.

Aug 6 14 tweets 2 min read
I have a mutant hot take.

I hear all the time, and have thought it myself, why does the world fear and hate mutants, but love the scary-looking oddballs in, say, the Fantastic Four?

Here is a thought about that.

The Fantastic Four comes to save you.

You look out, and you see standing around you;
A woman who disappears
A man on fire
A rock-like golen creature
and the ultimate stretchy body horror.


Jul 26 13 tweets 3 min read
When I was in second grade, our teacher read us, over the course of several days, an adaptation of Cool Hand Luke.

None of us knew anything about prisons, Southern culture, road gangs, prisoner abuse, or crime in general, really. We were seven years old, and enthralled.

I remember, NO ONE missed school after the first day.

It starts with Luke, played by Paul Newman in the movie, getting drunk and busting up parking meters, for no good reason, so your introduction to him, in a child’s’ view, is bad, not revolutionary.

Jul 24 6 tweets 1 min read
One of my favorite moments of the #DeadpoolAndWolverine World Premiere night.

The actual event was loud and flashy, the movie was bombastic. And I’m shy.

After it was over, walking back to my hotel with my beloved hubby…

We saw Chris Claremont (resplendent in his pink jacket) in a quiet spot in a little park across from the huge event facade.

He took a photo, I think, and it might just be my fangirl imagination, but it seemed to me he was contemplating the spectacle and his role in it all…

Jul 9 30 tweets 11 min read
All right, so this will take a bit, but this is a thread I have wanted to do for a while.

This is it, the X-MEN: FROM THE ASHES mega-thread!

Interested in the upcoming X-books but a little overwhelmed by the new characters, creative teams, and titles?

Well, I had an idea!

1/ In this thread, I am going to give an unapologetic personal opinion about each of the upcoming titles, starting with tomorrow's X-MEN #1.

I admit up front I am biased, okay? These are MY opinions, I have not consulted with the creative or editorial teams.

Jun 30 18 tweets 4 min read
I have a @jimlee story. Legendary comics writer John Ostrander needed eye surgery. A couple others and myself went all around SDCC to ask artists for an art donation to raise the funds to literally save not just his eyesight, but his eyes.

It was for John Ostrander. And so I asked legendary artists that normally I would be intimidated just to talk to. We got pieces from Neil Adams, Matt Groening, and lots more.

Again, because it was for John, I worked myself up to ask the giants.

Everyone was lovely.

Jun 8 6 tweets 4 min read
DR. PHIL: Now, I’m just an impartial observer, okay?

PENNYWISE: Heh heh heh we all float slobber drool heh

DR.PHIL: You’re an entertainer, You do great work with kids.

PENNYWISE: come down into the sewers Georgie heh heh hee

DR. PHIL: You have a great smile, you know that?
DR. PHIL: I want to thank you for agreeing to an interview, but I warn you, I won’t be pulling ANY punches.


DR. PHIL: Zombie, why don’t people like you?


DR. PHIL: You have a thick skin.


DR. PHIL: Well, I’M sold.
May 12 17 tweets 3 min read
I have a Roger Corman story. It’s fun, but weird, as I am gathering most Roger Corman stories tend to be.

I was a fan of his movies and his legend and legacy.

At the very beginning of my comics career, his office contacted me.

I was very new to writing professionally. I didn’t become a writer to make films, comics were not a stepping stone. And I had mostly been drafted, so my sense of value in myself as a writer was a bit shaky and tinged with a lot of, ‘how did I get here? What’s happening?’

Apr 30 8 tweets 2 min read
I remind everyone of this each year, apologies for repeating myself.

This Saturday, May 4th, is @Freecomicbook Day! Please go and enjoy and have a wonderful time. Some great shops have sales, cosplay, events, guests, even treats planned for you, PLUS FREE COMICS!

Howerer, this is just a gentle reminder that, unlike what many think, the stores DO have to pay for the comics they give away for free. They pay for them in bundles. This year there are dozens of individual comics being given away...imagine how much that might cost!

Apr 22 10 tweets 2 min read
Here is my central core thought while writing Deadpool.

It is no secret that I don't like endlessly 'zany' Deadpool. He was described as 'serial killer Daffy Duck' to me early on, that's the version I don't care for.

I also don't care for endlessly bleak, 'nothing matters,' kill everyone Deadpool.

I think that could be a thousand other characters, and it's far from the magic potion that makes Deadpool fun.

Feb 20 30 tweets 7 min read
Today is @Dwayne_McDuffie's birthday. He would have been 62 today, if he hadn't passed unexpectedly one day after his 49th birthday.

To me, and most everyone who knew him, Dwayne was a light we all orbited in someway. There are many great creators.

Dwayne was a giant.

1/ Image I've told this story before but it can't be overstated. I absolutely would not have this career I love, and this life I love, without Dwayne.

I am far from the only person he lifted up and put on the stairway out. Out of poverty, out of an unfulfilling career.

Jan 28 10 tweets 2 min read
I don’t dislike the Star Wars sequels at all, I find them pretty antertaining and they did a lot right.

My objection is the things they set up and completely squandered.

Chief among them is Finn, whose story could have been an absolute banger.

Finn leading a Stormtrooper rebellion, that’s massive, a sea change and a real evolution of ideas that could have expanded the lore tremendously.

But also Poe, his story isn’t even a real story, there’s no arc.

Jan 2 16 tweets 4 min read
One time at SDCC, Dan DiDio invited me to lunch at a beautiful seafood restaurant on the bay. He had been given a list of properties that WB owned, many of which DC would have had the ability to adapt to comics.

It was STUNNING. I had no idea, I don't think Dan knew, either.

1/ He said that this list could do something for DC that hadn't really been the case in a long time, it could open up a ton of genres with already-popular IP.

Many were very dormant concepts, but many still had active fanbases, and some were huge.

And we could use them.

Dec 5, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
So, we were getting off the plane in Toronto, and the convention organizer picked us up. He's a lovely fellow, could not have been nicer.

As we were walking to his car, he mentioned that we had been in Montreal recently and had a great time.

He asked if we liked the city of Montreal and we said absolutely yes.

My husband, @rocketspouse, adds, "However, that was also where we saw the Parade of Dongs."

Nov 27, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
Over the past weeks, I have been to events in three very different places, and there are STILL a ton of people whose dream it is to make comics, some of whom seem very talented.

But a lot of them are hesitant to try, dream or not. Can you guess the number one reason why?

Honest to god, it seemed to be fear of criticism. I'm not making this up, and it does not seem to be a left/right issue. Or a talent issue.

I THINK it's an Imposter Syndrome issue.

Nov 3, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
I have a short thread about comics. There is lots of not-great stuff to talk about, absolutely.

BUT there is something that I think is absolutely fantastic happening.

I often talk about my love of comics. It's my favorite medium in the world, I think about and read and make comics pretty much every day and it was my dream job since I was 12 years old.

Nov 2, 2023 22 tweets 3 min read
Okay, so yesterday, @rocketspouse and I went out to lunch at our favorite local Mexican restaurant. I've been working like A LOT and didn't feel like cooking.

So, we sit down, we're having a nice lunch, only one other person in the place, a retired gentleman.

We're having a nice time. The gentleman says, 'Excuse me, did you know it's a rainy 'Wednesday?'

We say yes.

He says, 'Good. Are you familiar with local municipal code W742-302C?'

We are baffled.

'No, no we are not.'

Oct 3, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
What if R2 and C-3PO break up and R2 moves to a single droid’s motel on Dagobah and he gets a makeover to try to find a nice protocol droid but he’s just too old to understand dating culture and he ends up settling for meaningless coupling with a hallway mech on the Death Star They have shared custody of BB-8 and R2 tries to be the ‘fun’ dad but BB-8 resents them both and his rebellious streak is painful to all three of them, but he just can’t seem to stop him, and he’s started listening to a Stormtrooper podcast where they called Leia a ‘slag.’
Aug 8, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
So, I read Tom King's first WONDER WOMAN issue and I have a lot to say about it.

Sorry, I got distracted.

Anyway, the thing about Tom King's new Wonder Woman book is this (prepare yourself)...

Jul 15, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
These studios don’t seem to realize that all this exposure of their bad behavior does chip away at the good will they have with the public (that artists created for them, anyway).

Every time they slam the people who make the films people love, they lose something invaluable. Companies that exist on the public’s good will can’t survive an extended battle where their sole tactic is demeaning and insulting the artists and craftsmen who made the stuff that the public actually cares about.

They don’t care about a guy in an office, they care about movies.
Jun 13, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
Okay. I don’t feel I get to speak much about #ComicsBrokeMe. I have had some shitty experiences in comics, including some I didn’t recognize at the time. But overall, I am very happy and comics have been great to me. I see the pain of my colleagues and it’s horrible.

But there are some red flags I would tell aspiring creators to watch out for.

I hope these will help some folks avoid some heartache. Note that none of these are the creator’s fault, no one gives classes for this stuff. You’re kind of just thrown in the hopper.
