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The soul of bhart, echos from the coast of Goa in voice of Gomantakiy youth !

Jan 24, 2022, 15 tweets

Cuncolim - The land of freedom fighters. Cuncolim is a place that have great significance in the history of Goa. It is the land where the first revolution had begun. A place with the aroma of traditional soil.


There were so many unsung heroes born on this land of cuncolim. They fought against the white colonisers and since then this land is known as the land of freedom fighters.

Name Cuncolim originates from the name "KUNKALLY" which is derived from the word "KUNK" - similar to term "KESER" which is a symbol of bravery, which gives the literal meaning of Kunkali as 'Land of Bravery'

Nodoubt Cuncolim is historically inhabited by freedom lovers and great warriors.

Cuncolim undoubtedly the PUNYABHUMI, as it is the Land of warriors, who had shed their blood and offered their life to protect their sovereignty and freedom.


12 Vangdos of Cuncolim held the common ownership of the Cuncolim.

These are the 12 Vangodds(clans) of Cuncolim

"Guns of good quality were manufactured in Cuncolim", said Alfonso de Albuquerque in his letter.

The mother goddess is in the form of Shantadurga Kunkalikarin presided over this village, the 12 clans spirited the image of Shaantaai at Fatorpa after Portuguese outbreak.

In mid 1580 Cuncolim was actually in a state of intermediate Rebellion.

The systematic non cooperation movement was launched by the ancestors of Cuncolim who refused to pay taxes to king Portugal.


The chieftains of Cuncolim were the first people to revolt against white colonisers in 1583.

16 leaders were invited for peace talk in Assolna fort. As soon as they entered the fort the doors were closed and were massacred by soldiers with their swords and guns.

On the 5th day of Phalgun, Shantadurga Kunkalikarin's murti is brought back to its original place Cuncolim from Fatorpa.

Procession of the umbrellas as it is called.
Because it is led by 12 colourful umbrellas. 12 Umbrellas represents the 12 Vangodds of Cuncolim.

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