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Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Jan 24, 2022, 9 tweets

DOOCY TIME: "Does the President think it's a big deal that, today, the Dow Jones is down at one point, more than 1100 points?

Psaki: "Well, to start with, we focus on the trends in the economy, not any one day and any single indicator, unlike his predecessor."

Doocy: "On schools in Virginia, seven districts...are get a strict mask mandate that has rolled back by the new governor reinstated. Who does the President think knows best for students: School board members or parents?

Psaki says "public health officials" know best.

Doocy: "The law is...students should not have to wear masks if their parents say...they don't....If a parent wants to send to school with no mask, should the child be allowed to go to school and be in class?"

Psaki says "it's about keeping an entire community safe"

Doocy: "Just so that it's crystal guys think ultimately in the conflict b/w school board members and parents, the school board members should have more of a say in what a child --

Psaki: "That's not what I said...Everybody should abide by public health guidelines."

Doocy: "Would you agree the most important job for any president is to keep Americans safe?"

Psaki: "I would agree."

Doocy: "So, you said that [he] is never satisfied if people don't feel safe. Does he know after a year in office people do not feel safe in this country?"

Psaki: "If we look at the facts...we have seen a surge of rime over the last 2 years. Would you agree w/that?"

Doocy: "So, what are you attributing the rise in crime to then?"

Psaki: "We should be responsible how we are reporting...the reason...Gun violence is a huge reason."

Doocy: "[T]he murder rate is nearing a 25-year high, so why don't we see & hear more from [him] about this? We hear all the time about things you guys are doing to fight [COVID] bb/c that's a risk to American people. A rising murder rate is a risk to American people too, right?"

Doocy: "But does the President think that any of that is working?"

Psaki: [He] thinks he should have a plan to address crime & gun violence, he has one and we look forward to working with people who support that effort."

Doocy: "But as the murder rate nears a 25-year high, would he consider maybe trying something different?"

An agitated Psaki insists that "most people who want to fight crime...agree" with the policies and views of the White House. (9/9)

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