Curtis Houck Profile picture
Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Jan 25, 2022, 6 tweets

NEW: Peter Doocy reveals Biden called him "within an hour" after he called him "a stupid son of a b****": "[W]ithin about an hour of that...he called my cell phone & he just said, 'it's nothing personal, pal' & we went back and forth & we were talking about...moving forward."

Peter Doocy: "I made sure to tell [Biden] that I'm always going to try to ask something different than what everybody else is asking & he said, 'you've got to.' And that is the quote from the President, so I will keep doing it."

.@SeanHannity: "Did he apologize?"

Doocy: "He did clear the air & I appreciate it. We had a nice call."

Hannity: "He -- that's not an answer. Did he apologize? That doesn't sound like an apology."

Doocy: "He said, 'it's nothing personal pal.'"

Doocy: "I told him I appreciated him reaching out. Hey, Sean, the world is on the brink of...World War III rn. With all the stuff going on. I appreciate...[he] took a couple give me a call and clear the air, but I don't need anybody to apologize to me."

Doocy: "He can call me whatever he wants as long as it gets him talking...You played some of the bit w/Jen Psaki & I I went in there with 2 pages of questions about crime...They've been rolled up in my pocket...Crime questions I didn't get in at the press conference last week."

Doocy: "[T]hey keep calling on us at the briefing & [he] said, 'nothing personal, pal' and I -- I think that's enough. That's enough, so we can move on. We can now move forward. There will be years -- three to seven years of opportunities to ask him about different stuff." (6/6)

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