J Michael Waller Profile picture
Senior Analyst for Strategy, Center for Security Policy. Author, "Big Intel: How the CIA & FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains" (2024)

Jan 25, 2022, 11 tweets

Stalin referred to Western leftists "for tactical reasons as progressive" because their "reactions, aspirations and activities happen to be 'objectively' favorable to the interests of the USSR. These last must be encouraged and utilized for Soviet purposes."

George Kennan, 1946

Here's the link to Kennan's original "Long Telegram" of 1946 that contains the above quotes and a whole lot more. For those of you who have studied it - please study it again. digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/11617…

Kennan: In Stalin's view, "'Democratic-progressive' elements abroad are to be utilized to maximum to bring pressure to bear on capitalist governments along lines agreeable to Soviet interests."

The political history of modern "progressives" shows their roots backing Stalin.

Kennan explained in one paragraph why Communist Parties were so deadly to free countries.

Two generations later, many of those party networks have come under Chinese Communist Party domination or control.

Imagine if President Franklin Roosevelt had brought George Kennan - and not Soviet spies Harry Hopkins, Harry Dexter White, Alger Hiss, and friends - into his inner circle to set the agenda for meetings with Stalin at Tehran and Yalta.

These networks can survive for generations. Al Gore's father made his fortune through Soviet agent Armand Hammer, Secretary of State Blinken's stepfather was Hammer's lawyer, Valerie Jarrett's father and father-in-law had business relationships with Soviet agent Alfred Stern.

Kennan foresaw how Stalin's long-term cultivation of generations of people would lead to Western societies attacking themselves.

He fairly predicted the rise of BLM & other destructive movements. (BLM's roots are in 1960s radicalism sponsored by Soviet proxies Cuba & E. Germany)

In 1946, Kennan explained what the Communists would do to us. How much of that is unfolding now?

Kennan effectively foresaw the current softening up of NATO, which took place on-and-off for decades, to turn ourselves against one another and the alliance.

This is one of the reasons I differ from many of my friends who have become rejectionists against the alliance.

Though not a Communist, Putin is more of a Homo Sovieticus than a post-Soviet Russian, a creature of the KGB. Kennan wrote this paragraph before Putin was born. He could not have foreseen it, but his words also apply to Communist China.

It's easy to see, from Kennan's words about Stalin's regime, why Xi Jinping and his CCP want us to be demoralized, divided, depressed, and weak.

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