Dr Norlaine Thomas🇨🇦(She/Her) Profile picture
PhD, filmmaker, hockey player, Mom, domestic goddess, political geek, writer, sh*t disturber...

Jan 25, 2022, 14 tweets

To recap:
Truckers who are upset that they can't be anti-vax and cross back and forth between the US and Canada set up a "convoy" of trucks to go to Ottawa, a la the Yellow Vest convoy of 2019.

A go-fund-me was set up, ostensibly to help cover the truckers' expenses. The organizer, Tamara Lich, has known associations with various far-right extremist groups and sits on the board of the Maverick Party, a western separatist party based in Alberta. 2/12

The goal of the go-fund-me has been raised again and again, from $1M to $2M and up. It currently sits at $5M. The fund is around $4.5 M right now. Complaints to Go-Fund-Me have led to them freezing the account (preventing withdrawals, you can still donate) 3/12

pending them being satisfied the money will be disbursed appropriately. In light of this, Tamara has arranged for e-transfers directly to her bank account. 4/12

A communication from the organizer clearly states that there is no guarantee of truckers receiving reimbursement. 5/12

Weirdly, conservative politicians at both the federal and provincial level across Canada have been posting fake photos of empty store shelves. They are telling people that there are going to be dire food shortages. 6/12

Meanwhile, this claim is demonstrably false, with many people posting photos of full grocery shelves. Jason Kenney says he is working with US governors (Republican, no doubt) to pressure government to lift the border crossing restrictions. 7/12

The rhetoric at the places where supporters gather to cheer on the truckers is getting very ugly. As is the discourse online. 8/12

Some are trying to build an equivalency between Canadian soldiers in WWII and these truckers, calling them "Freedom Fighters" and "Heroes". 9/12

Now there is a new wrinkle. This fringe group is now broadcasting on social media that the food shortage is because the Liberal government is planning to starve Canadians into accepting communism. 10/12

There seems to be some co-ordination between the trucker convoy organizers, the conservative political parties and whomever is seeding these outlandish rumours about starving Canadians into accepting communism (based on fake photos of empty shelves). 11/12

This truck convoy may just reach Ottawa, futz around for a couple of days making loud speeches, and then disperse. But someone seems to be trying to ramp up the rage and passion in these protestors. I hope you, or someone in our media, will take a closer look. Tx. 12/12

Oh, and, btw, there are people talking a "Jan 6 event".

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