Dr Norlaine Thomas🇨🇦(She/Her) Profile picture
PhD, filmmaker, hockey player, Mom, domestic goddess, political geek, writer, sh*t disturber...
18 subscribers
Dec 14, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read
This is a "When did you stop beating your wife?" question. The person asking bases the premise of the question on the fact they have been reporting on a rumour all week. Really? So you report something based on speculation, then ask questions as though your speculation
1/ makes it real?

First, this rumour is not, apparently, based on any evidence because no evidence has been presented. Robert Fife's "unnamed sources" have been horribly wrong before. Remember Maher Arar?

So, how does this reporting fit into the principles of Journalistic
Dec 3, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
I have been listening to @Justin_Ling 's podcast "The Village" again. I listened to the first season when it was new and only just now rediscovered it. It's all dreadful and shocking. The third season goes into what happened in Montreal to the LGBTQ2+ community, while the
first two seasons focus on Toronto. The lack of enthusiasm in investigating murders by the Toronto police is disgraceful. The harassment of queer folks in both Toronto and Montreal by police is disgraceful. The violence towards a group of people for just being themselves is
Nov 29, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
I see a lot of people say they are not into politics. They don't want to hear about politics, or talk about politics. They say it as though that makes them more pure then the people who do speak about politics. Like they are above all that. Certainly, for a
#cdnpoli long time, people avoided speaking about politicis as a matter of politeness. That prohibition on talking about politics (or religion, or income) was always presented as a way to avoid conflict, but in fact, it is a way for the wealthy to prevent people from organizing,
Oct 31, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
Chris Selley recently published a piece in the National Post excoriating Poilievre's critics. Some of those mentioned were professors and media personalities. Fair enough. But he also had a go at a regular citizen for expressing her political views. Is that what MSM is doing now? I wonder if we will next see "journalists" like Chris publishing naughty lists, hit lists if you will, of people who hold unacceptable (to the CPC) views.Throwing their names out there so any off the rails CPC supporter who is itching for an active way to show his
Jul 20, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
@angryablib @TheBreakdownAB People in Alberta don't care. As long as it's conservatives doing it, they don't care. Kenney fired the Elections Commissioner that was investigating his leadership election. No one cared. The party was also being investigated by the RCMP. No one cared. They have changed laws to @angryablib @TheBreakdownAB retroactively get themselves off the hook about things, and also to allow themselves to accept large gifts from lobbyists. No one cares. They want to arrest homeless people and force them into rehab, (which seems like a clever way to funnel public money to their friends who have
Jul 2, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
I just feel the need to say, Conservatives go on & on & on about freedom. Yet their campaign team employ persuasion methodology that can affect what you think. Shouldn't freedom to not have your thoughts messed with, without your knowledge, be the #1 freedom?
#cdnpoli Because, yes, they are doing things to try to influence what you think. And their techniques take many forms. From getting people to broadcast specific messages to their friend groups and encouraging re-broadcast, to buying and disseminating poll results designed to make you
Jun 30, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
And yet another poll measuring something irrelevant. Canada is not "broken". Depite what Poilievre and the CPC and the news media want you to think. For example,
#cdnpoli Canada is very well respected internationally.
2/ Image
Jun 19, 2024 25 tweets 5 min read
The Canada Election Act of 2000 regulates the technical disclosures required by polling firms during elections. However, in non-writ polling, authenticity, ethics, and honesty are self-regulated. Poll results are often used to try to push public opinion. For example,
1/ #cdnpoli we are probably familiar with ads that say things like "82% of dentists recommend using X toothpaste." That is bringing the weight of expert opinion to bear on consumer choices. But it is also true that if you tell people that 78% of their fellow citizens think a thing, they
Jun 11, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
When conservatives cut taxes, when Harper and the CPC cut taxes, they did 2 things. They cut corporate taxes on sucessful profitable companies. And they created tax credits that only people who made enough money could use. For example, the child sport tax credit. If you
#cdnpoli can't afford to put your kid in sports, no tax cut for you! Because clearly the family that needs tax cuts is the one that has 3 kids in hockey, right? Of course the people with 3 kids in hockey will say "yeah, that credit helped", but would they have had to pull their kids out
Jun 11, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read
It absolutely stands to reason that the extremely wealthy are opposed to anything that will shave even a tiny bit from their enormous holdings. That their descendants for generations will never have to lift a finger for themselves is of no consequence. There is a thing
#cndpoli that afflicts the very wealthy, you see. There is no such thing as "enough". A lot of us breathe a great sigh of relief when we crunch the numbers and see that we will have enough for this month. Enough to pay the rent, buy food, pay for transportation and utilities, etc...
Jun 11, 2024 28 tweets 6 min read
It's really quite disheartening. Every day in Alberta, something new happens that just makes things seem worse. We have a bunch of very loud, very angry people who don't know how things work (but they think they do) living in ditches by major roadways. We have a most
excellent and dedicated public servant, Shannon Phillips, who has been bullied pretty much continuously since she was first elected (including by the POLICE in her constituency) and has now had enough. We have people for whom it is not enough to refuse to get vaccinated
Jun 11, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Journalists, and even opinion column writers (like @sunrickbell) have no business stoking public anger and putting politicians they dislike in danger. And while they may deny any culpability ("people do what they want, I'm not telling them what to do"), nevertheless, we all know that when some people read that someone in the newspaper is saying this person is bad and hurting the community, they believe it, even if it is only an "opinion". Some people can't really separate "opinion" from fact. Or they can't be bothered to. And opinion writers need to
May 9, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
If you die, they can't come for your organs all willy-nilly, even if your organs are desperately needed so a newborn baby can live. They just can't. Not unless you sign a donor card. As a corpse, you cannot be forced to sustain the life of another. #cdnpoli
Your next of kin can sign off on donating your organs, but you must be dead for that to happen. You cannot be made to save the life of anyone. Full stop. The government cannot decide you are going to donate a kidney to save someone. You have bodily autonomy. That means, you
May 9, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
Should there be legislation laying out conditions when a surgeon can remove an appendix? Should there be laws about whether or not a broken bone can be set, a virus treated, or a cancerous tumour excised? Abortion is a medical procedure. We don't have laws about other
1/ medical procedures. We don't even have laws about whether or not vasectomies or lubal ligations are ok. Although I imagine some conservatives would like to legislate that next. On the one hand they say, "It's settled law", on the other hand, they say, "Canada is one of
Apr 24, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
Now, I understand why rich folks, the ones with big houses, and second houses they can go to for a vacation, and big boats, and motorhomes, and multiple cars, and who jet off on nice vactions to places other than their cottages, don't like what they think
1/ #cdnpoli socialism is. Deep down, they are terrified that someone is going to try to take some of their stuff. They have visions of some large dirty family showing up on their doorstep and announcing that the government has sent them to live there. Or someone is going to come along
Apr 16, 2024 18 tweets 3 min read
Let's assume you are not a pilot, have never taken flying lessons. Do you believe you could fly a 747? Let's assume you are not a doctor, have never been to medical school. Do you believe you could successfully operate on a patient? So why do people who have never ...
#ableg 1/ been in graduate school, never done scientific research beyond grade 12 chemistry, think they know what the real researchers should be researching? Is Danielle Smith next going to be suggesting she should drive around the province telling ranchers and farmers
Dec 30, 2023 34 tweets 7 min read
I think we need to have a serious talk about predatory capitalism. This is going to be a rather long rant, so get comfy.
#cdnpoli #UBI #NeverVoteConservative #PredatoryCapitalism What this obscenely wealthy property developer is saying is monstrous. He says the quiet part out loud here. The uber wealthy want billions of people in poverty so they can grow their riches faster, and so workers will once again feel
Nov 18, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
We need to recognize that the #CanadianMedia really wants a CPC government. Why would they want that?

Good question.

There are a number of plausible reasons. And we must recognize that it is entirely possible that more than one reason is true.
1/18 The first, simplest, and most obvious reason is that some journalists actually strongly support the right side of the political spectrum. So much so that they cannot contain their enthusiasm for Poilievre, etc, and they allow it to override any journalistic ethics
Oct 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
WRT TBA's David Parker. He started out in politics working for Harper, right? Is he still working for Harper? Is the anti-Canada, Alberta separatist schtick actually Harper's agenda? From a big-picture perspective it fits with the CPC fire sale of Canadian assets... 1/ between 2005 and 2015. I mean, if you take Alberta out of the protection of the Canadian federation, how fast do you think all the natural resources, from water to coal, will be scooped up by multinational entities? And what's left over would have to beg to be 2/
Aug 23, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
When your government announces it is setting up an entity, a "War Room" if you will, and putting a lot of public money into it every year, and specifically setting it up so no one can see what they are doing with that money, that should be a big red flag.
1/ #abpoli When they carefully and deliberately make it un -FOIPable, and somewhat outside the usual scrutiny governmental departments and agencies are subject to annually, with zero oversight except by their own members, that should be a big red flag.
Jun 9, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
I think a lot about what my Dad would make of the world today. I think about what he would say about the CPC, UCP, Ford's PCs, the MB PCs... About what he would say about the way Canadian media (Canadian in name only, most of them being owned by a New Jersey Hedge Fund)
1/ Image slant their commentary, act as stenographers for conservative politicians, & generally try to steer the narrative to suit their owners', investors' and advertisers' goals.. I think I know how he would feel and react. I think he would be apoplectic, but incisively articulate