Hiddeπ Amur∆Ka: Thr𓂀ce (G)REatEST ॐ Profile picture
Interior Way ॐ Philosopher King ☆ Alchemist 𓂀 Eternal Student ☆ Author of Piercing the Veil, God of Reflections, Cup of Hermes ⚚ & Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa

Jan 26, 2022, 5 tweets

The Tetractys or Decad is an equilateral triangle formed from the sequence of the first ten numbers aligned in four rows. It is both a mathematical idea and a metaphysical symbol.

Tetracys or Decad (Meaning 10) embraces within itself—in a seedlike form—the principles of the natural world, the harmony of the cosmos, the ascent to the divine, and the mysteries of the divine realm.

Qabbalists claim the Tetractys has the letters of the Tetragrammaton (Four Letter Name of God) inscribed on the 10 positions, from right to left. The Tetractys can be seen as the Tree of Life, with its interlocking 10 Dots repressing the Spheres/ Emanation from Kether to Malkuth.

The first four numbers symbolize the musica universalis (Harmonic Universe):

(1) Unity (Monad)

(2) Dyad – Power – Limit/Unlimited (peras/apeiron)

(3) Harmony (Triad)

(4) Kosmos (Tetrad).

The four rows add up to ten (4+3+2+1 = 10), representing the unity of a higher order.

The Tetractys symbolizes fire, air, water, & earth. It represented the organization of space: The 1sr row 0 dimensions (a point), 2nd row one dimension (a line of 2 points) 3rd row/ 2 dimensions (a plane or triangle of three points) & the 4th row/ 3 dimensions (a Tetrahedron)

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