Curtis Houck Profile picture
Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Jan 26, 2022, 7 tweets

DOOCY TIME: "When you were asked about the Vice President, possibly being selected as a Supreme Court nominee, you say you're not going to speak to any considerations. Does that means she is being considered?"

Psaki refuses to talk about a "retirement that hasn't been announced"

Doocy: "Would someone who was an attorney general of a large state & who served w/many key Senate votes be an attractive candidate to the President for an open Supreme Court seat?"

Psaki: "I see what you did...[He] has every intention...of...running...w/[her] on the ticket."

Doocy: "Now that you...have submitted written responses to Russia's demands, they are saying if we do not receive a constructive answer...Moscow will take appropriate measures. Is that a threat? Appropriate measures?"

Psaki makes clear that "the aggressor Russia"

Doocy: "The Russians talk about appropriate measures, if one of those winds up being a Russian cyberattack like DHS is warning about, do you guys consider that an act of war?"

Psaki: "Well...we are always prepared for cyber threats...We have a range of tools at our disposal"

Doocy: "On COVID origins, you guys are talking a lot about sanctions for Russia if they dare to invade Ukraine. What about sanctions for China...for misleading the world about the early days of the global pandemic?"

Psaki punts, saying there's "nothing to preview."

Doocy: "Is it possible down the line...that sanctions would be considered some other form of punishment for their actions in the early stages of the pandemic?"

Psaki: "You know we strongly believe in...the importance of [the Chinese] being transparent[.]"

Doocy: Biden "said for months...he had not spoken directly to Xi about the COVID origins investigation. Now, he says he did talk to Xi...but nobody else was there. If [he] had that conversation, did it work, and is Xi now playing ball?"

Psaki: "What are you getting at[?]" (6/6)

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