Alastair Thompson Profile picture
Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Jan 27, 2022, 5 tweets

There is an interesting positive ecological impact from this wave of Southern African Cyclones coming in from the Indian Ocean over Madagascar.

Namely they appear to be bringing significant rains to the Kalahari Desert area in central Southern Africa.

Here are the latest long range rain forecasts for Southern Africa. All indicate some rain in the area with the GFS and CMC model forecasts showing lesser quantities than the ECMWF and KMA models.

Rainfall so far in the desert area has been fairly minimal but the forecasts show the slow moving low pressure storm currently over Zimbabwe maintaining a significant amount of energy - and moving south west over the desert. [Satellite images Jan 24-27 below]

Here's a high resolution image of Storm Ana from Tuesday when the storm was centered over the Zimbabwe/Mozambique border.

Finally here is a 16 day GFS3 IVT (Integrated Vapour Transport) forecast which shows the remnants of Storm Ana moving slowly south west stalling and turning south east. This is where most of the rain we see in the forecasts is coming from.

& we also see two more storms incoming.

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