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Jan 27, 2022, 6 tweets

On #HolocaustRemembranceDay, Centenarian Holocaust survivor Margot Friedlaender urged the young generation to always remember the Nazi genocide and denounced the use by some anti-COVID vaccination protesters of the yellow star Jews were forced to wear 1/6

'Today, I see the memory of what happened being abused for political reasons, sometimes even derided and trampled all over,' she told EU lawmakers in Brussels at a ceremony marking the 77th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland 2/6

She was referring to some demonstrators at anti-vaccination protests who have pinned yellow star badges to their clothes, reminiscent of the cloth badges the Nazis forced Jews to wear to mark them as outsiders 3/6

Protesters against COVID-19 measures who liken themselves to Jews under Nazi persecution are stoking global anti-Semitism, the Israeli government said in a report marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day 4/6

Friedlaender's mother and brother were killed in Auschwitz. She herself survived the concentration camp Theresienstadt in what is Czech Republic today, the only one in her family to survive the Holocaust, when the Nazis killed 6 million Jews during World War Two 5/6

After living in New York for 64 years, Friedlaender said she returned to Berlin in 2010 to pass on her message to the younger generation 6/6

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