Eric Topol Profile picture
physician-scientist, author, editor. Ground Truths:

Jan 27, 2022, 5 tweets

Important new @UKHSA report today sheds light on key Omicron concerns…
1. BA.2 Vaccine effectiveness holds up very well compared with BA.1 *with booster*

2. The vaccine effectiveness (VE) vs Omicron symptomatic infection vs Omicron falls off 15+ weeks, as was seen with the Israeli data, here more so with Pfizer compared to Moderna

3. But protection (VE) vs Omicron hospitalization remains quite high (Moderna > 90% thru 9 weeks)

4. First read out for VE vs Omicron fatality, in age 50+
95% with booster (59% without)

5. Summary data for VE vs Omicron over time for each outcome strongly reinforces the booster/Dose 3 impact and the high level of protection maintained vs hospitalization out to 6 months👍

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