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Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Jan 28, 2022, 6 tweets

This is gut-wrenching.

The Lord is truly with Dominique Luzuriaga right now as she delivers her eulogy to her husband, slain NYPD Officer Jason Rivera.

Officer Rivera's widow says they had an argument the morning he was killed and expresses regret she didn't have him drive her home when they could have worked things out. And that was the last time she had saw or talked to him.

Officer Rivera's widow, Dominique Luzuriaga: "Dozens of people were surrounding me & yet, I felt alone. I couldn't believe you left me. Seeing you in that hospital bed wrapped up in sheets & not hearing you when I was talking to you broke me...I was lost. I'm still lost."

Officer Rivera's widow: "I'm still in this nightmare...full of rage & anger, hurt & sad, torn. Although I gained thousands of blue brothers & sisters, I'm the loneliest w/o you. I know you're looking at me...telling me I can do this, & I'm trying...You made me feel alive."

Officer Rivera's widow, Dominique Luzuriaga: "You have the whole nation on gridlock...The system continues to fail us. We are not safe anymore, not even the [NYPD]...You were tired of these laws, especially the ones from the new DA. I hope he is watching you speak through me"

Officer Rivera's widow, Dominique Luzuriaga: "I'm sure all of our blue family is tired, too. But I promise, we promise, that your death won't be in vain. I love you to the end of time. We'll take the watch from here." (6/6)

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