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Jan 28, 2022, 6 tweets


Welcome to our new series - ‘Validator Spotlight’

We want to showcase the great work that validators on Terra are doing…

Today, we’re going to dive into @SmartStake!

Anyone who’s been in Terra for long enough must have heard of SmartStake.

Who hasn’t used their dashboards for analyzing the health of the Terra ecosystem?

SmartStake has got the stakers covered too. How?

Their goal is to demystify blockchain performance data and simplify the experience of all stakeholders.

And for that, SmartStake has created dashboards to help delegators with all the data they need to make the right choice.

They even have…

All the information you need about remaining airdrops, snapshot timings, etc.

So, basically, you’re all set to stake like a pro and not miss out on any of the rewards.

What about them as a validator? 👇👇

SmartStake has been one of the most appreciated Community Validators for a long period of time…

Which is why they’ve also been part of Stader’s Validator Pool from launch.

Expecting even more brilliant contributions from SmartStake in the coming future.

Check out SmartStake:

Tell us why you appreciate SmartStake in the comments…

And who you want us to cover in the next ‘Validator Spotlight’ edition.

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