Phil Kerpen Profile picture
Husband. Father of four. @AmerComm and @Comm4Prosperity president. Syndicated columnist. IFC chairman. Mets fan.

Jan 28, 2022, 11 tweets

Hochul mask science is the idiotic PNAS review and... get this... a random July 2020 op-ed from some lawyers in The Hill. I kid you not.…

Hochul also attached the Bungledesh study, which hides the ball: a mere a 20 case difference across 300 villages in two months.

@beenwrekt found the real numbers. “If the effect size is so small that we need sophisticated statistics, maybe that means the effect isn’t real."

Hochul greatest hits also include the CDC's fake Arizona study. This has been completely debunked:…

If this scattered junk it all they have after two years, maybe the decades of studies showing masks are useless against respiratory viruses per-2020 were right?…

Their science discussion -- I'm not kidding -- is about Delta rising.

Another fake regional-temporal MMWR makes an appearance. Of course CDC won't update this now, because everyone knows the results would be the opposite.

The fraudulent Duke assertion of mask efficacy from a study with no control group makes an appearance.

Hochul really loves those fake MMWR studies. Even the embarrassing diabetes one is here!

Bottom line: trust the always-wrong expert morons!

And Hochul really, really likes CDC's hidden data, agenda-driven, non-peer-reviewed MMWRs.

Of course, none of this even matters to the governor's incredibly weak case.

If they are right abut the science the correct venue to make their case is the legislature. The end.

Or the Constitution is dead.

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