Hochul mask science is the idiotic PNAS review and... get this... a random July 2020 op-ed from some lawyers in The Hill. I kid you not. thehill.com/opinion/judici…
Hochul also attached the Bungledesh study, which hides the ball: a mere a 20 case difference across 300 villages in two months.
@beenwrekt found the real numbers. “If the effect size is so small that we need sophisticated statistics, maybe that means the effect isn’t real."
Hochul greatest hits also include the CDC's fake Arizona study. This has been completely debunked: theatlantic.com/science/archiv…
If this scattered junk it all they have after two years, maybe the decades of studies showing masks are useless against respiratory viruses per-2020 were right? apps.who.int/iris/bitstream…
Their science discussion -- I'm not kidding -- is about Delta rising.
Another fake regional-temporal MMWR makes an appearance. Of course CDC won't update this now, because everyone knows the results would be the opposite.
The fraudulent Duke assertion of mask efficacy from a study with no control group makes an appearance.
Hochul really loves those fake MMWR studies. Even the embarrassing diabetes one is here!
Bottom line: trust the always-wrong expert morons!
Fauci's fixer David Morens: "I learned from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear after I am foia'd but before the search starts, so I think we are all safe." zaob78xab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Hh…
Foia lady is "an old friend, Marg Moore, who leads our FOIA office and also hates FOIAs."
Morens deleted all emails related to origin "when the sh-- starting hitting the fan."
Huge Senate votes tomorrow on @RogerMarshallMD bill to terminate the COVID national emergency (how many of the 12 Dems who voted yes for identical bill in November will flip??) and @SenCapito bill to ban Biden's insane WOTUS rule that lets EPA/Army Corps call anything a wetland.
I am told @DjokerNole doesn't want a waiver; he wants the ban lifted for everyone.
Why does Old Joe still have this insane policy in place, when his own CDC said NPIs should not differentiate based on vaccine status back in August??? cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/7…
If @DjokerNole changes his mind about coming to the US before Biden ends his ban, there is an easy way to get to Miami: take a ferry from the Bahamas, which violates neither the CDC/FAA air travel mandate nor the DHS land/ferry mandates, which are specific to Canada and Mexico.