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Jan 28, 2022, 8 tweets

QAnon John's antisemitic talking points are not a bug of QAnon, they're a feature.

Let's do a little Flashback Friday.

In Sep 2018, QAnon's subreddit was shuttered. Q sent everyone to a new board on Voat.


Voat shared some similarities with Telegram (where Q Promoters would encourage everyone to go after the Jan 2021 Twitter purge), notably that the place was riddled with Nazis.

When they showed up in Q threads, some Anons objected, and the Nazis quickly responded.


While Voat was *explicitly* a neo-Nazi hang out spot, it's not as if the /qresearch/ boards weren't antisemitic to begin with. They always have been.


For many months, a link to discussion of the same "Jewish Question" mentioned by the Voat Nazis was listed in the Table of Contents post on each new /qresearch/ thread.


QAnon John isn't some sort of outlier here. Most big Q Preachers have shared the same material.

It's a feature of the movement, not a bug.


When GhostEzra went full neo-Nazi, and the other Q promoters "called him out," please notice they don't even specify their criticism, just that GE was 'truth sprinkled with lies.'

They can't call it out because they know they've said the same things, just quieter.


Those Nazis on Voat were ultimately correct: the Q followers who objected to the Nazi stuff were either naive or new to the movement.

The deeper you get in QAnon, the more they're told that the real problem is the Jews.

This "we only hate *fake* Jews" stuff is a midpoint.


They've been doing this dance for years, leading true believers to the desired conclusions while maintaining a veneer of plausible deniability.


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