J Malone. Profile picture
Advocate for Metis truth. #SangMele Acadian Mi'kmaw/Mom of 4/NannyJeri to 3 #ADHD #Metis #EasternMetis #ND #EcoFarming #WomenFarmers #SmallFarms

Jan 28, 2022, 30 tweets

Worked for MMF and MNC, while saying he wasn't, all along, LOL

waawiindamaagewin.com/governance-for… helping to make more Indigenous policy.

Oh something is eye-opening alright, and I can't wait until you all get what is coming to you for all the lies and misinformation. It is eye-opening finding the history of the MMF & the 20 members who started it. Rotten to the core-The Politics of the MMF- Sheila Jones Morrison

©1995 - In 1969 MMF represented only the 20 people who had created it. / Old trails and new direction-papers of the third North American Fur Trade Conference-3rd 1978-Winnipeg,Man-fur trade records suggest that halfbreed & other social categories in the old northwest was not

a static term./ Old trails and new direction-papers of the third North American Fur Trade Conference-3rd 1978-Winnipeg,Man-in contrast to the term metis which was later used with pride by the mixed bloods-NWC.

The Indian tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and region of the Great Lakes, as described by Nicolas Perrot,- average mixed blood of the frontier.

The one-and-a-half men- the story of Jim Brady and Malcolm Norris, Metis patriots of the twentieth century-Dobbin, Murray-1981- Brady couched the executive to use Metis Classification during the hearings.

LAC - hiding in plain sight - you either identified as French Canadian if you had a French Canadian last name or ....

mikmaq-resource-centre- glossary-of-terms-used-in-aboriginal-historical-research - NonStatus and Metis.

Metis Political Organizations and Political Terms - United Nations - The MNC is officially recognized by the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organization in consultative status.

Canadian Society in the Twenty-First Century - Prime Minister Trudeau asked the NCC to represent the Metis interests. A new org MNC formed, launched by a group of dissidents who landed a court case demanding ...

RCAP-380 - Ron George talking about Non-MNC Metis.

MÉTIS LAW IN CANADA- by Jean Teillet - 1932 L'Association des Metis d'Alberta et des Territoires des Nord Ouest passed a resolution that dropped the term - half breed, *Me - and choose the word Metis.

Library and Archives Canada - Metis Genealogy - More information on the Metis - CAP definition and MNC definition, however in 1978 one didn't even need to be native to identify and be registered in MNS and/or MMF as Metis citizens.

Many cultures, many heritages-1975-The two terms. Metis, and Non-Status Indians, are often used side by side.

Clem Chartier in RCAP 432 - Metis Circle Special Consultation and David Chartrand in the Canadian Senate Report.

@willgoodon Do you know? I suggest to you that you do.

#BirdsOfAFeather, stick together.

Now which one is it? Nations who are working with this piece of work .. we see what you are doing. waawiindamaagewin.com/governance-for…

Are you now saying you don't work for the MNC and if not, why does this say you did/do ?

You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you slap bang between the eyes.

@DarrylLeroux didn't that AgentNDN account just get closed for hate speech? White guy working in collab, I can certainly see why he would be helping to erase Indigenous people and making Indigenous policy, for sure !!! 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🧐🙄😡

1975 - constitution and bylaws - Metis in Nova Scotia - Metis in the constitution and bylaws of the Union of Nova Scotia Indians, now Union of Nova Scotia Mi'kmaq

MicmacNews-1975-02 - Two major meetings to be held this month in Yarmouth - Chiefs from 12 bands suspended the powers of UNSI executives, elected officers of UNSI. Change may be made to the constitution - AMNSI.

Constitutional Changes - Micmac News 1980 - 06 - Metis is now not an Indian. -- @DarrylLeroux , for sure there was never any Metis in Nova Scotia .. 🙄

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