Liz Harrington Profile picture

Jan 29, 2022, 11 tweets

Why Wisconsin should #decertify, via @RepRamthun

Facebook CEO's Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) enabled the illegal use of over 500 voter drop boxes in Wisconsin, infringing Wis. Stat. § 6.87 (6), in all 72

Dane and Milwaukee County Clerks issued guidance on Facebook suggesting all voters could declare themselves "indefinitely confined"
because of the pandemic

At least 44,272, according to the LAB, voted in November 2020 without ever showing ID -- more than twice the margin alone

"...the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections has collected nearly 3,000 documents and e-mails with connection to election manipulations by the CTCL in five of Wisconsin's largest cities"

Wisconsin has 4.5 million people of voting age but 7.1 million registered voters

200 addresses in 31 counties in Wisconsin have 200 to 400 registered voters at a single address

Sample of 1,000 2020 absentee ballot envelopes from Milwaukee County found 23% had questionable addresses

The Wisconsin Election Commission "knowingly and willfully directed all 72 county clerks to violate" the law and allow ballot harvesting in nursing homes

"Multitude of irregularities," including:

93.7% of active voters participated in the 2020 general election

45,665 voters who registered did not have matching DMV records

22% of active voters registered in the 6 months leading up to November, 3, 2020, 31,872 of those voters are now listed as inactive,

42,000 voters who voted November 3 are now listed as inactive

"Whereas, the November 2020 Wisconsin general election, as regulated and directed by the Elections Commission, was one of the most haphazard, controversial,
and poorly managed elections in state history, shaking citizens' confidence in fair elections across Wisconsin...

"..and with the culmination of these evidences, prove the
results of the commission's certification of the 2020 election are considered fraudulent."

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