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Boost Conversions with App-like Interactive Emails

Jan 29, 2022, 8 tweets

A great email design and strategy cannot compensate for a poor email copy. So, it was imperative that we covered email copywriting as a part of the State of Emails 2022 report, and here's what we learned from what the respondents shared with us

(1) 53.6% of the surveyors sent personalized subject lines in more than 50% of their emails implying that personalization is the key to conversion in today’s times.

(2) 33.3% of the surveyors said that most of the emails they sent were meant to be informative, followed closely by empathetic mails.

(3) A whopping 41% of the surveyors said that an actionable CTA worked for them in 2021 and the trend is likely to thrive in the future too.

(4) 54.5% of the surveyors said that they get clicks from their footer. Basically, every corner of an email screams opportunity!

(6) Naturally, 68.2% of the B2C surveyors and 50% of the B2B surveyors said that they use social media links in their email footer to engage more with their customers.

(4) What surprised us the most, however, was the fact that 37.5% of surveyors said they don't include a CTA in their email signatures followed by those who don't even use signatures. Umm, brand building, anyone?

(7) All in all, personalization and crisp content won the race in 2021. To dive deeper into more trends and insights, head over to the full report here -…

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