Edwin Hayward Profile picture
Author: 'Slaying Brexit Unicorns' (link below) and commentator. Tweets: Brexit, UK politics, fun geeky stuff. Expect facts, stats, sarcasm and gallows humour.

Jan 29, 2022, 7 tweets

This is a verified blue tick Times columnist still spreading the discredited false claim that Brexit somehow advantaged the UK when it comes to the vaccine.

Has long since been fact checked to death and found false by many separate sources.

Status: Flat Earth.

Here's the Channel 4 Fact Check team...

BBC Fact Check

"But the idea that Brexit enabled the UK to press ahead and authorise [a vaccine] is not right.

It was actually permitted under EU law, a point made by the head of the UK's medicines regulator on Wednesday."


So this isn't an "opinion" matter. There's aren't two sides to a fact.

Brexit did not help the UK vaccine rollout, period.

Also worth noting: it's a marathon not a sprint, and the EU is ahead of the UK on vaccinations now.

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