Elizabeth Tasker 🎃 Profile picture
UK astrophysicist working at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). Author of 'The Planet Factory' annnd @elizabethtasker@mastodon.online

Jan 30, 2022, 54 tweets

Netflix n’ Purr time. #CassieCat

#CassieCat has two tactics at the vet. The first is to look absolutely symmetrical under her towel, so you cannot tell which is head or tail. The second (demonstrated here) is to make the carrier look completely empty 🤔

After 10 weeks of treatment, we now go to the vet every fortnight! We’ll all enjoy this immensely😸

It’s hard to know how #CassieCat is doing overall. Cancer treatment is based on statistical success rates with no way to monitor individual progress. We won’t know until we fail😕

Catio drama this Sunday morn! #CassieCat made it to level 3… and got stuck! I had to reposition the ledges to give her space to descend (not entirely assisted by #NorahNeko attempting to climb the other way). Now she is in her box, debating if I am saviour or perpetrator.

Level 2 is OK for today! #CassieCat

Level 3 attempt #2: Return to ground level was a bit of a tumble, but we did it! #CassieCat

Look who is sitting on my knee! (Previously, #CassieCat has only snuggled in beside me). I may never move again.

Hey! We can do knees too! (After sitting on #CassieCat and forcing her to move aside 🤦🏼‍♀️) #NorahNeko #NorahNaughty

Still love you the most ❤️. #CassieCat #NorahNeko

Vet visit for #CassieCat (with help from #NorahNeko)! Unfortunately blood works were down, so we must try next week for her cancer treatment.

Vet not unduly concerned. Naturally, I am unduly concerned. The shift also means my trip home in June no longer fits between vet visits🤦🏼‍♀️

Cuddle #CassieCat 😻

#CassieCat and I dashed off to our local vet this evening, as Cassie had a high temperature and was vomiting. It seems the poor blood works on Tuesday was indicative of something more than an off week. Paws crossed for a good recovery ❤️‍🩹

We are feeling much better! Although we have squished into a corner in case a vet visit suddenly occurs 😹

The antibiotics last night had a super fast effect, so I hope this was just a small bacteria bug. #CassieCat

Fluffy #CassieCat! We seem to have completely recovered ❤️

Back at the vet with #CassieCat. She is struggling to use her litter box and is retching 😕 I think #NorahNeko knows there is a problem.

I want everyone to know how proud I am of this pussy cat. One year ago, #CassieCat had to be bundled into a laundry net so she could be handled at the vet. Today, she was held gently by the vet nurse and didn’t hiss or scratch and only a single attempt to leap off the table 😅

We love you, #CassieCat! ❤️


#CassieCat is still not well and only eating tiny amounts. We visited the vet again Saturday for antibiotics + nutrients and we could go back... but the stress of that is also deeply unconducive to healing.


We went back to the vet last night, received another set of fluids, antibiotics and nutrition and seem to be eating quite a bit better 🤞🏻 #CassieCat

You’re poorly. But we love you. And we’re going to steal most of this basket. #NorahNeko #CassieCat

After a better morning, #CassieCat suffered a 180 and we returned to the vet after she started dashing to & from the litter box. This is her view on that visit 😅

More fluids & antibiotics. Still hoping this is just a bug that the cancer is making difficult to shift quickly.

Pulled my futon into the main room last night to keep an eye on #CassieCat, and look who joined me! (#NorahNeko also stopped by, but largely to meow in my ear 😅).

A new day. A new furry cuddle.

#CassieCat continues to battle an unknown infection. The vet did urine & faeces checks yesterday that were clear. In desperation, I requested a blood test and heard this morning that her white blood cells are up. So we’ll try a new antibiotic today

#CassieCat has made a little progress, but we are still not in the clear. She is now prepared to eat a little… preferably a fresh 🍤, cut up and held out for our inspection by hand 😹

#CassieCat decided to add cat litter to her diet last night.


Google suggests this is due to craving nutrients in clumping litter due to anaemia (due to the lymphatic cancer). Hoping the vet can provide something more… hygienic.

Our bowel was emptied. By hand.

We do not wish to discuss it. Nor any other topic. Likely for some time.

#CassieCat #CassieNoPoo

Brought a basket into the bedroom as my poor #CassieCat now struggles to jump on the bed. However, rest is being inhibited by #NorahNeko desiring to pounce on a wavy tabby tail 🤦🏼‍♀️

#CassieCat seems to be slowly making progress! But she still needs daily injections. Rather than continuing to come in every evening, the vet has suggested… I give her the injections 😳

I gave Cassie one injection today with the vet. Tomorrow, inject-a-cat operation begins.

Operation #InjectACat is GO! I think it was OK… my one concern is I didn’t find quite the right place for the intramuscular injections, as my poor #CassieCat is fur and bones!

She’s now super confused about why she’s been let out the carrier after only a few minutes 😹

#CassieCat is doing well! Her blood works today are looking MUCH better, we’re down to one injection every other day (administered at home) AND we’re not going back to the vet for a whole week! Vets are magic. Cassies are strong. #CassieSuperCat

Annnnd famous last words. #CassieCat is struggling to use the litter box again and vomiting from the strain. Just when I thought we were doing so much better 😭 I’m sleeping in the living room so I can hear her and I’m hoping we can manage until morning. My poor brave puss.

It’s 3am and we’re at the emergency night vet. My gut instinct… is this is constipation and we might have been able to wait until morning. But if it’s a urethra blockage, it can be rapidly fatal and I decided I couldn’t risk it.

The vet waiting room is playing a tinkling version of the tune of Que Sera, Sera. Not sure how I feel about that, since I’m basically here because I’m not prepared to Que Sera it.

And we’re back home. The vet couldn’t find a major problem with #CassieCat. The best guess is that she’s got inflammation (maybe from being ill before, or now we’ve been withdrawing the medicine) that’s causing discomfort. We got some medicine to tackle this and now… bed.

After the blip last week, #CassieCat aced her blood works at the vet and seems to be regaining strength in her legs again! I admit to not being entirely confident that she can get down, but I’m mighty impressed she jumped up!

#CassieCat just had a seizure. We’re at the night vet.

We are still here, with enough veterinary medicine to open a small practice in my bedroom!

#CassieCat had dangerously high levels of ammonia in her blood, that might be due to dehydration from poor circulation caused by her cancer 😕

There’s this humungous construction in my living room and all I can do is flop beside it. #CassieCat (futon pulled into main room to keep an eye on her after such a tough day!)

A better start to Saturday than Friday! #CassieCat #NorahNeko

Guys, Vet Elizabeth is not the greatest. Instead of a fluid filled cat, I now have a wet cat 😕 Some (maybe most) did go in, but it wasn’t the neat, dry job that occurs at the vet.

When you’re trying to give your cat her meds… #CassieCat

We are ready for pets. #CassieCat

After suffering another seizure this afternoon, #CassieCat is having a difficult night. She’s very hot and restless. I’ve given her all the medicine from vet (anti-seizure and steroid, plus subcutaneous fluids) and I’m hoping she settles 😕

2am. We have not settled.

Sadly, #CassieCat did not recover. She’s still with us, but she’s been fading all day and we probably only have a few hours left together.

The Japan Cat Network (from where I was fostering Cassie) called me to see how I was holding up. It was incredibly kind. Love hurts, y’all.

I’ve lost my incredibly brave #CassieCat. Thank you for all your warm thoughts.

Thank you everyone for all your support. Re-reading your replies made today a lot easier.

I’ve taken #CassieCat to the Jonan Pet Cemetery, where Tallis’s ashes are also in their little shrine. I’ll order a pretty memorial plaque for her later.

I visited Jonan Pet Cemetery where Cassie’s ashes now rest and ordered a memorial plate for Cass. The manager sat and talked with me about Cassie and was incredibly kind. I think this could be the nicest place on Earth.

タスカー家愛猫キャシー (Beloved cat of the Tasker family, Cassie). The pretty nameplate for #CassieCat is now at the Jonan Pet Shrine ♥️🐈 Did I mention how lovely this place is? I couldn’t find Cassie’s name, but when I went to reception they recognised me & showed me the plate.

The Jonan Pet Cemetery Shrine is always packed full of offerings for loved pets. But what #CassieCat really enjoyed was a fresh shrimp, which I don’t think anyone would appreciate me leaving in this heat! I may have to find a plastic one 😅

Today is day 48 since #CassieCat left us. According to Buddhist belief, the soul departs for the next life on day 49. I visited Jonan Pet Cemetery and added a little cat sticker to her memorial plate (an essential guide to finding it again!). I also refreshed Tallis’s sticker.

While you cannot donate karma, deeds performed during the 7 weeks after death are said to have a positive impact for departed loved one. I therefore neutered 3 stray cats, helped rescue a cat, and fed a bunch more 😸If that doesn’t nail enlightenment, then I don’t know what will!

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