Elizabeth Tasker 🎃 Profile picture
UK astrophysicist working at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). Author of 'The Planet Factory' annnd @elizabethtasker@mastodon.online
Amudhan Profile picture 1 subscribed
Nov 17, 2022 27 tweets 11 min read
Professor Hashimoto Tatsuaki who leads the OMOTENASHI team reports here with sad news about the CubeSat Moon lander. After separation from the SLS, the radio signal from the CubeSat was unstable and it was difficult to get telemetry from NASA’s Deep Space Network Madrid station. When OMOTENASHI finally locked with the ground station, the solar cells were found to be facing away from the Sun but the CubeSat was rotating fast. Rather than using the attitude control to redirect the solar cells, the team therefore released a gas jet to stop the spin.
Jul 15, 2022 17 tweets 9 min read
We are still here, with enough veterinary medicine to open a small practice in my bedroom!

#CassieCat had dangerously high levels of ammonia in her blood, that might be due to dehydration from poor circulation caused by her cancer 😕 Image There’s this humungous construction in my living room and all I can do is flop beside it. #CassieCat (futon pulled into main room to keep an eye on her after such a tough day!) Image
Jan 30, 2022 54 tweets 30 min read
Netflix n’ Purr time. #CassieCat Image #CassieCat has two tactics at the vet. The first is to look absolutely symmetrical under her towel, so you cannot tell which is head or tail. The second (demonstrated here) is to make the carrier look completely empty 🤔 Image
Jan 13, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
OK, everyone.

It’s time.

For some hot-off-the-press research results.

It’s animated and you’re going to love it. We know of over 4000 exoplanets, but for the majority of these worlds, we do not even know both their mass and radius, leaving us in the dark about their nature. Be these gas 💨, watery 🌊 or rocky worlds with the potential for a decent latte 👽☕️? [1/5]
Oct 31, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
We’ve wanted to go back to Europa since the Galileo mission visited the icy moon in the 1990s and spotted a subsurface ocean. Could Europa harbour life?

But plans for a new mission are only now coming to fruition. This is because Europa is a dangerous destination for a spaceship Embedded in Jupiter’s magnetic field, the radiation levels at Europa would fry an orbiting spacecraft within 1 - 2 months, explains Stefano Campagnola (NASA JPL & former ISAS/JAXA). That’s plenty of time to collect kickass data, but not long enough to transmit it back to Earth.
Oct 18, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
We’ve discovered many planets in the habitable zone, but the majority (if not all) will be completely unfit for life. This is because those worlds may be dressed completely inappropriately for the conditions.

(Doodly in thread form: Part 1/3) The habitable zone can be thought of as the spot to hang out if you're wearing the right atmospheric coat. If you've donned a different atmosphere, the temperature isn't going to be pleasant.

(Doodly thread: Part 2/3)