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Jan 30, 2022, 37 tweets

@PippaCrerar @Kevin_Maguire "We emphasize company visits and we visit every company we invest in" - Jacob Rees-Mogg to Global Investor May 2002 - his company Lloyd George Asset Management ran the Siberian Investment Company "every investment east of the Ural mountains"

@PippaCrerar @Kevin_Maguire We'd all now recognise these companies as Putin linked even back in 2002 - the FSB/KGB was moving in to take control of them & Mogg and co were happily investing "having visited them all"

One of the board members of the Siberian Investment Company was Oleg Preksin (clearly a creature of the Russian state, high ranking and Putin linked - on the board of a LG fund)

Preksin's importance and closeness to Kremlin power is really obvious to anyone looking

Dr. Oleg Preksin Sherpa for Russia in 2012-2015 member of B20 Financing Growth/Trade Investment Taskforces. Vice President of Association of Russian Banks (ARB) extensive banking experience. The first Russian director of the EBRD Board, also representing Belarus and Tajikistan.

@Kevin_Maguire @PippaCrerar
Preksin's links to the Lloyd George owned Siberian Investment Company could not be more clearer - he is Putin's man - so why is he 'working with Rees-Mogg and the team' on business in Russia?

Oleg Preksin has other 'politicians of note on the same board' -

Ten years later Oleg Preksin is part of the Russian financial delegation working in partnership with Tory Party PR agency New Century Media on the Moscow Int Finance Initiative in conjunction with CityUK (promo group original conceived by Boris) - Preksin and Tories - continuity

Let's turn to Rees-Mogg's Newsmax connection.....this ties him to TrumpWorld.

Daddy died at the end of 2012 and Daddy Rees-Mogg was chair and co-founder of the Trump loving Newsmax and Richard Mellon Scaife - a major donor to the aggressive Far Right…

Scaife and his cash are a natural home for someone hostile to liberalism , almost fundamentalist in his religious fervour and political…

With the Scaife connection all the Far Right billionaires become natural allies for our version of Jacob Rees-Mogg - so this story now makes perfect sense - Mogg is the conduit to this money as he knows them all through his late father…

Here's Rees-Mogg's dad and it listed the shareholding he had in Newsmax - so after his dad's death does he inherit it and it continue under his control YES

Two years on 2014 - the Newsmax Advisory Board now includes Andrew Neil (our Times ex-editor) and Lord Risby (Tory Lord 'on the payroll' of Putin-backed Oligarch Dmytro Firtash) - so all these British links to our own right wing scream Mogg is still in control

When Mogg went to Hong Kong he lived briefly with the Governor Chris Patten - he joined the highly exclusive China Club of David Tang and would have been a marvellous target for foreign security services

Here's a little backgrounder on Tang's club…

Another on Tang's club…

"Described as a billionaire socialite, he counted Kate Moss, Duchess of York and Tracey Emin among pals, but Sir David Tang was a gambler and fraudster who died broke. Claim made by his former employer Algy Cluff, former owner of The Spectator magazine.…

So the young Mogg is IN Hong Kong, staying with the governor, a member of David Tang the alleged fraudster's club, Tang needs cash - the security services are crawling all over it - put two and two together folks

It is amazing that whether there is the swill of a sewer full of shit The Spectator is never far away…

So Mogg returns from a baptism of fire in Hong Kong to work on emerging market funds in London for Lloyd George Management and is swirling around in Russian emerging markets - funny that

Jacob Rees-Mogg takes control of LG Antenna Fund and the man who "must visit and know everything about who we invest in" - HE invests in a Zander Group owned mostly by a shell company run by Dmytro Firtash (Spadi Trading) (Zander is owned by Mogg family friend Earl Asquith)

Spadi (Firtash) LG Antenna Group (Mogg) Anthony Bamford (JCB) Vantania Holdings (Tchenguiz Bros - later charged with SFO investigation) Tchenguiz and Spadi are early investors in SCL - the company behind Cambridge Analytica

Asquith's brother gets a little job with Dmytro Firtash

Mogg employed Earl Asquith's son (so LG Antenna Fund is NOT a normal investment relationship)

Earl Asquith STILL works for Dmytro Firtash even though his OWN COUNTRY sanctions him for working with Russia and its defence contractors to hurt Ukraine

Ukraine sanctions tycoon Firtash for business links to Russian defence firms…

Also on the Firtash payroll a bunch of Tory MPs

That meeting John Whittingdale and Lord Risby organised was "planned" why? Next day Firtash put out an agreed and approved press release saying the UK Tory government WANTS TO HELP HIM OVER Ukraine

The Tory govt LIED about the Firtash meeting on Feb 24 2014 (PLUS) - the FBI issued a warrant for Firtash's arrest on Feb 25th - so the Tories SOLD FIRTASH AN EX-TUBE STATION FOR £53M - Firtash arrested March 12 2014 - station sold

The Due Diligence on the sale "a fu*king joke" - Firtash was paying this person's office cash so the security services vetoed her Cabinet appointment (literally a definition of a National Security Risk) in Aug 2010 (Jones LangLaSalle could not find it)…

Jones Lang LaSalle WORKED DIRECTLY FOR BORIS JOHNSON as Mayor of London. They managed to miss the fact Firtash is linked to the Russian mafia too…

JLL appointed to sell Brompton Rd July 2013

JLL the incompetent fools who cannot Google 'Firtash' WORKED FOR JOHNSON. MoD adopting them to sell one building was to "guarantee Firtash won"

The Firtash Brompton Rd sale proceeded EVEN THOUGH Firtash was "indicted for extortion and bribery" in Vienna and his Power of Attorney's were paid £53m BY one of the Tory Party's TOP Donors David Rowland via his family Banque Haviland - with payments listed below 2013-2016 -

Power of Attorney for Firtash was = The UK FCA reviewed the 'suitability' of Denis Gorbunenko for a takeover of Seymour Pierce (8 month investigation) he was totally unsuitable - perfect to move cash around as it arrived in Firtash's bank account…

2018 top Tory donor David Rowland thought "I know let's remove Banque Haviland from the sale of Brompton Rd in the land registry - so he did. He put Brooksford Overseas over reference - presumably lending himself cash to a shell company to pay it on to Gorbunenko/Firtash BUT...

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