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Jan 31, 2022, 16 tweets

#AssemblyElections2022 | India's employment rate is so bad, it is even lower than Pakistan's. Yet paradoxically elections are being fought on identity, not…

#TheIndiaFix by @ShoaibDaniyal

This week on #TheIndiaFix - A newsletter on Indian politics by @ShoaibDaniyal

Job riots in UP, Bihar bring home the urgency of India’s unemployment crisis…

#TheIndiaFix | Violence over identity and religion is something Indians are (unfortunately) used to. But on Tuesday, the country saw something rarer: riots over jobs.

This week, @ShoaibDaniyal writes on the unemployment crisis in India…

#TheIndiaFix is a newsletter on Indian politics

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This week's piece is by @ShoaibDaniyal:…

#TheIndiaFix | An incredible 1.25 crore people applied for the 35,000 openings [for the non-technical jobs in railways].

Even if everything had gone fine, the number of disappointed candidates would be bigger than the entire population of Belgium

#TheIndiaFix by @ShoaibDaniyal | The lack of employment opportunities is a full-blown crisis in India.…

According to data from the World Bank, only 43% of India’s working-age population has a job.

#TheIndiaFix | India’s unemployment crisis

The situation seems so hopeless that large numbers of Indians are not even bothering to look for jobs. Even the energetic young are discouraged, writes @ShoaibDaniyal…

#TheIndiaFix | India has failed to develop industries that can provide mass employment.

Worse, the economic slowdown has undermined whatever little manufacturing employment India had.…

Jobs might be a crisis in India but it is religion that still dominates Indian politics.

These job riots are an urgent wake-up sign for India’s politicians.

#TheIndiaFix by @ShoaibDaniyal…

#TheIndiaFix | Incredibly, so low is the electoral play for jobs that Uttar Pradesh did not think twice about hurting its large leather industry in the pursuit of the Hindutva preference for “cow protection”.…

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#TheIndiaFix: The International Monetary Fund thinks India will be the world’s fastest economy in 2022.

However, former IMFer Josh Felman sounds a note of caution on his blog. By @ShoaibDaniyal ✍️

Read more:…

#TheIndiaFix: Students across Bihar & UP were angry with the results of a railways exam meant to recruit for jobs in what is called the “non-technical popular category”.

Students also complained that the railways had suddenly introduced a second exam.…

#TheIndiaFix: These exams were first scheduled for 2019 but had been delayed due to #Covid19 pandemic.

Since these are not technical jobs, they are open to a large number of candidates. An incredible 1.25 crore people applied for the 35,000 openings.…

#TheIndiaFix: The violence came as a shock to most Indians since unemployment is rarely discussed with any seriousness in the media or national-level politics.

By @ShoaibDaniyal ✍️…

#TheIndiaFix by @ShoaibDaniyal✍️

According to data from the World Bank, only 43% of India’s working age population has a job.

This is shockingly low. The figure in Bangladesh, for example, is 53%. Even Pakistan manages to do better at 48%.

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