Meshnet Capital Profile picture
Meshnet is a seed fund/dapp studio focused primarily on the @cardano ecosystem.

Jan 31, 2022, 20 tweets

Why do we believe @adax_pro is a scam? Lets go #cardano

1. Lack of a credible white paper

2. Team credibility is lacking, starting with the CEO

3. Let's talk CTO

4. The CMO mastermind behind the scam

5. Exomarkets and token liquidation dump

6. The bait and switch CEX launch

7. The fake DEX demo

8. The big DEX launch

We'd love a point-by-point reply from their team, but they keep blocking us. @IOHK_Charles @IOHKMedia @COTInetwork etc. please evaluate

@CardanoFeed @cardano_whale @CardanoDean @cryptorecruitr @jackfriks we might need some exposure to this ongoing scam. Evaluate for yourselves.

@adax_pro More evidence pouring in

More proof, start watching here

More historical evidence. It's everywhere if you care to look…

This is the real person behind the fake @adax_pro CTO

and more

And some more

And some more

Last one. We've found that 25% of their Twitter followers are deemed fake by @sparktoro

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