Ram Bhupatiraju Profile picture
Engineer/Investor. Here to learn and share about Investing. Stay curious.

Feb 1, 2022, 7 tweets

"Words of Investing Wisdom" published by Value Investor Insight in late 2008 is a highly valuable document worth reading once an year by investors of all types. Comes in very handy during good and bad times.

cc: @dmuthuk @saxena_puru @Gautam__Baid


Tons of accumulated wisdom on these topics

✔️Finding an Edge
✔️Field of Play
✔️Uncovering Value
✔️Research & Analysis
✔️Portfolio Management
✔️Learning Curve
✔️Of Sound Mind
✔️The Craft of Investing

Compilation of my fav quotes ⬇️

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Few more ⬇️

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Some humor ⬇️

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