jamie groovement / agent j Profile picture
son of 🇨🇱 exile #IsildaLang / Free 🇵🇸 / DJ & primary teach

Feb 1, 2022, 8 tweets

My mum is Isilda Del Carmen Lang née Cuevas-Aguilera. You can read her recipe book and donate to her hospice if you like. Chilean recipes important to her community of childminded kids in Sheffield.
Read her story in thread 👇
RTs ❤️ #CancerAwareness

The recipe book is just a little project friends (parents of now grown up childminded kids like @proletics) put together to celebrate her.

She’s in Burngreave / Pitsmoor in Sheffield, and a refugee/survivor of Pinochet’s Chile. Read an interview in next tweet 👉

She spoke to @theBMessenger in 2002 about her life in brief

With Kim Streets, now chief exec @SheffMuseums


This is from @nowthenmag 2020
a few months after she was diagnosed - chatting to me
nowthenmagazine.com/articles/isild… 👉

In 2020 she also appeared on this @ReformRadioMCR Refugee Week show. Nice to listen to as her voice is out of action at the moment.



She was in Jeremy Abraham’s ARRIVALS: Making Sheffield Home exhibition too. Jeremy took this defining portrait of her and let us use it for the book.


Thanks again to @StLukes_Sheff hospice who are leading care for my mum now she’s not receiving any more treatment.


Isilda Lang is my hero

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