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Feb 1, 2022, 13 tweets

🧵: the saturn signs and their bullshit detectors, by two angular saturns: me and @sagistarbb

aries saturn: they know when someone is weak-willed and doesn’t have the drive or the NERVE to follow through. if there’s a lack of conviction, their alarm bells go off.

taurus saturn: their bullshit detector goes off when someone can’t back up what they’re selling. they can spot instability and bad investments. they know when people/things are temporary or flaky.

gemini saturn: the fact-checking placement. they know when someone is speaking out of reactivity instead of speaking for the benefit of sharing information. ability to sense when someone is talking for their ego and not for truth.

cancer saturn: they sense when people are being emotionally inauthentic with themselves and others. they’re also good at recognizing when there’s a disconnect between others’ feelings and desires.

leo saturn: this placement knows when people are inauthentic/not being true to themselves. their bullshit detector goes off when people are afraid to take the spotlight or are using the spotlight inappropriately.

virgo saturn: they can spot when people are living selfishly. they’ll know if the way you’re choosing to live isn’t efficient or sustainable and will dragggg you for it. bullshit detector goes off for lack of respect for/not helping others.

libra saturn: they are lie detectors through and through. they know when someone’s side of the story doesn’t add up. they can tell when people aren’t justified in their actions and are validating themselves to compensate.

scorpio saturn: this placement detects impure motivations, secrecy, and deception. they can tell when someone is operating out of paranoia. able to hone in on fear and anxiety like a hawk.

sagittarius saturn: their alarm goes off when they hear a half-assed belief. sag saturn’s bullshit detector is for fallaciousness. they can’t stand a weak life philosophy.

capricorn saturn: they know when someone isn’t putting in the work. they HATE seeing people lie about their work ethic or how much effort they’ve actually been putting in. bullshit detector for sloth/laziness.

aquarius saturn: they have the OG bullshit detector. theirs goes off when people don’t believe what’s coming out of their own mouths. calling others out for not updating their beliefs/routines or having regurgitated sermons instead of their own opinions.

pisces saturn: their bullshit detector goes off when they see someone playing the victim. pisces saturn easily recognizes ploys for sympathy and when someone is milking it.

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