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Feb 1, 2022, 14 tweets

TV Bharatvarsh report was in Bijnor to speak to 'Muslim Voices' from the district. He spoke to atleast 11 Muslims. @AltNews could identify atleast 7 muslims whom he spoke to and all 7 were associated with BJP. But the channel presented them as Normal Muslim Voters. Thread 👇👇

Meet Mr. Javed Multani. He is BJP karyakarta. But was introduced by @TV9Bharatvarsh reporter as "Dhampur me Musalman Voter"

Pics of BJP member Javed Multani.

Meet Mr. Amjad Ansari. Ansari is BJP District leader representing Minorities.
He was introduced by the reporter as "Dhampur ke Muslim Voter"

Amjad Ali Ansari is BJP’s district leader representing minorities. Here is political poster of the BJP that has Amjad Ali Ansari’s image.

Meet Mr. Daud Ali, BJP member and close to BJP MLA Ashoke Rana. He was introduced by @TV9Bharatvarsh as 'Dhampur k Muslim voter'. 🤡

Meet Mr. Nazakat Hussain, Also a BJP member (Doesn't hold official party post). He was introduced by @TV9Bharatvarsh as "Dhampur ke Muslim Voter".
Look how surprised/shocked the reporter @shreenivash2001 pretends to be when BJP member says he will vote for Yogi... 🤡🤡

Meet Mohammed Mubin. According to Amjad Ansari (BJP Leader for Minorities), Mubin is also associated with the BJP but does not hold an official post. How cute of reporter @shreenivash2001 who seems very shocked listening to Mubin. 🤡🤡

Meet Alisha Hussain Siddiqui, BJP Member. She is introduced as 'Nurpur ki Muslim Voter' by the reporter. 🤡🤡

Here are few of Alisha Hussain Siddiqui's pics shared by her on Facebook.

He also interviews a man who claims to be a BJP member.

Three more Muslim men were interviewed by @TV9Bharatvarsh during the broadcast but we were unable to identify them. However, at least seven out of the 11 “Muslim voters” interviewed by the channel are members or workers of the BJP.

The clip of BJP member Alisha Siddiqui by @TV9Bharatvarsh was shared by @sambitswaraj & @BJP4UP.
Later Managing Editor @santprai congratulates the reporter for the awesome job. 🤡🤡

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