J Malone. Profile picture
Advocate for Metis truth. #SangMele Acadian Mi'kmaw/Mom of 4/NannyJeri to 3 #ADHD #Metis #EasternMetis #ND #EcoFarming #WomenFarmers #SmallFarms

Feb 1, 2022, 9 tweets

Benwa, Chief Benoit first nation .. again, not saying anything about him, addressing those who keep calling me and my kinships "pretendian"

Jason who is Pierre Lejeune descendant through his son Pierre Lejeune dit Briard and Mom Marie Doucet.

Jeri the "Pretendian" -- father Pierre Lejeune descendant through his son Martin Lejeune dit Briard . Which I go to through my great grampy Harris and also great nanny Evangeline Mius (Harris)

You know my only descendant the lying yappers say I only have one descendent, which I usually only concentrate on my 8th great-grandmother of my Mius lineage as that is my great nanny's mius and great grampy Harris heritage on my nan's side.

You will note my Great Nan's dad was born before the Indian Act.

And @DarrylLeroux has my son's case on his raceshifting site, even though that case had absolutely nothing to do with raceshifting, is he going to call Mr Benoit a #raceshifter? twitter.com/intent/follow?…

@DarrylLeroux All the lying derogatory remarks on my son's Jordan's Principle case, but yet, if I was in Newfoundland, apparently that goddamn fairy dust woudl transport me from the "pretendian" category to the status category ... Who fucking knew?

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