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Matthew Russell Lee for/as Inner City Press covers SDNY, UN Gate, banks & IMF. books

Feb 1, 2022, 8 tweets

While waiting for US v. Avenatti charging conference, here is UN press briefing from from which Inner City Press is banned, today from briefing by incoming UN Security Council president. Aim to live tweet below the Q&A of those the UN *does* let in 1/x

Even as of 1:12 pm Feb 1, the most recent UNSC "Program of Work" on the UN's website is from January, that of @NorwayUN's @Mona_Juul, a month of failure and coups and censorship. And February? First question goes to UN Censorship Alliance, UNCA 2/x

Next handpicked questions: Qatar state media. Also nothing on the #GenocideGamesOfGuterres - perhaps not surprising, since Qatar bought the next FIFA World Cup despite rampant abuse of migrant labor. 3/x…

New: Corporate wire, essentially high-frequency trading platform with news now behind a platform, asks if Lavrov will deign to come to NY this month. No. (But look who's going to the #GenocideGames in Beijing) 4/x

Now: France 24 correspondent is allowed to Zoom (or WebEx) in from home with ponderous question. So Inner City Press could easily have been given access to this presser, as it has at IMF - it's a choice, the UN is a place of censorship for dictators (like Guterres)

Next is another WebExed in question, on Afghanistan. Nebenzia says he didn't understand most of the question, but "I have answers... We urge Taliban to fight terrorism and drug trafficking." Could by 1980 all over again. #OlympicBoycotts

February's UNSC "Program of Work" is still not up on the UN's website - fail - but Inner City Press is tweeting this screen shot of it - ironically, while all Presidencies including US includes "Letters of Ukraine and Russia" as footnote, Russia doesn't.

Now the Program of Work press conference Inner City Press was banned from is over. There were no questions about the countries in Africa off which the UN of Guterres makes most of the money that it wastes - total failure and censorship. Story coming.

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