Parveen Kaswan Profile picture
#Conservation. #IISc Bangalore alumnus. BTech #Aerospace. Masters in Design. PGD in #Forestry. #Explorer. Personal a/c

Feb 2, 2022, 9 tweets

Not a rocket science. Today is #WorldWetlandsDay.

#Wetlands provide many ecosystem services.

- They replenish the ground water

- Provide habitat to numerous species. From smaller to large predators. It’s their home.

- Some wetlands are so large that they have their own well functioning ecosystem. Sequestering huge amount of carbon & giving oxygen.

- Millions of people are dependent on wetlands for their food and livelihood worldwide.

- Your neighboring wetland provides dual function for disaster management. In times of water scarcity they provide water to general public. In times of floods, they act as buffer & save city from flooding.

- They have their own cultural significance. Part and parcel of public life. Lifeline at some places.

And do you know today we are loosing wetlands three times faster than forests. With it we are loosing potential carbon sinks & habitat to numerous species.

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