Paul D. Thacker Profile picture
Journalist; Former Investigator U.S. Senate; Former Safra Ethics Center, Harvard.

Feb 2, 2022, 8 tweets

Scientists-For-Hire Synthesize Artificial Research to Protect Astroturf…
When parents question if children should roll around in dirty old tires and chemical grass, astroturf scientists have real fake answers. /1

As concerns have grown about harmful chemicals in fake grass, industry has synthesized a crop of AstroTurf scientists to protect artificial turf—researchers who resemble scientists just as nonflammable, UV-stabilized, TrafficMASTER (with a ten-year warranty!) mimics real fescue/2

One astroturf expert defending fake grass is Julie C. Lemay, with the consulting firm Gradient, where she works w/ Michael K. Peterson, who disclosed at a study’s bottom that he “was retained as a scientific advisor by the Recycled Rubber Council from 2015 to May 2017.” /3

Peter has bombarded local papers w/ op-eds on "recycled rubber" meaning chopped up old, dirty tires, thrown all over kiddie playgrounds to save on disposal costs of dealing with this garbage. /4

Gradient’s employees have also questioned the danger of ozone causing asthma, and the science showing lead causes brain damage. See @drdavidmichaels book “The Triumph of Doubt: Dark Money and the Science of Deception” /5

The other industry-synthesized expert the companies are passing around to defend fake grass is Laura C. Green. She recently separated from her work at EPA after an investigation by E&E news.… /6

In 2005, several researchers published a study on industry advocates such as Green, see here:… /7

In that study, authors discussed a lawsuit involving asbestos, where Green testified on behalf of industry that asbestos was not very dangerous. However, the judge found that Green's testimony was not very credible and "borders on the absurd." /END

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