Paul D. Thacker Profile picture
Journalist; Former Investigator U.S. Senate; Former Safra Ethics Center, Harvard.
EricStoner Profile picture Carl Olsen Profile picture R. Chitwood 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Profile picture ❌BigMamaTEA❌ Profile picture burdagus Profile picture 53 subscribed
Aug 24 6 tweets 2 min read

1) Get all your ingredients in place: chicken, oil, vinegar, wine, vegetables (carrots, peppers, onion, garlic, tomatoes), pepper corns, thyme.Image 2) Brown the chicken, especially the skin. (salt as you go) Image
Aug 22 10 tweets 3 min read
1) Twitter Files: Democrats & media claimed Twitter 1.0 was a “private company” that made its own decisions, despite Biden Administration pressure to censor.

But new emails show Twitter hired a lobby shop staffed w/ Biden loyalists & then coordinated w/ Biden State Dept. Image 2) “This is John Hughes from Albright Stonebridge Group, the commercial diplomacy firm founded by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright,” wrote Twitter’s lobbyist to a senior official at State.

Twitter was seeking “advice” and help. Image
Aug 8 11 tweets 4 min read
1) Emails show that social media influencer Zeynep Tufekci pressured @cochranecollab to put out a statement attacking their own review;

Twisted words of a Cochrane editor;

And misstates her academic bona fides.
Image 2) Cochrane's Karla Soares-Weiser put out a statement attacking Cochrane's own mask review due to pressure from Zeynep Tufekci:

“Lisa, I have been back and forth with NYT about the mask review. CAN I GET YOUR VIEWS ON THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS?” Image
Aug 2 8 tweets 3 min read
1) Going through hundreds of emails, it's clear @zeynep bullied Cochrane into publishing a statement against their own review and twisted the words of Cochrane editor Michael Brown.

She pretends to be an academic, but is she?… 2) After Cochrane published their 2023 mask review update, Bret Stephens wrote a NYT column ridiculing mask mandate activists--people like Zeynep Tufekci.

3 days later on Feb 24, Zeynep contacted Cochrane, but not the scientists. She went around them to the editors. Image
Aug 1 5 tweets 2 min read
1) The NIH is a rogue agency that lies to Congress and is not accountable to the public.

NIH Email Reveals Plan to Fool Congress With Response “That Doesn’t Actually Answer the Questions”

Francis Collins: “Sounds like a good plan.”Image 2) Email shows Leg Affairs Adrienne Hallett explains how NIH will not answer questions from Congress and then "run out the clock"

Francis Collins: “Sounds like a good plan.”

On the email is current NIH Director Lawrence Tabak. Image
Jul 30 4 tweets 2 min read
1) Last week, people went a little nuts with an interview by Peter Hotez, where he called for deploying DHS and United Nations agencies—NATO, to deal with his favourite boogeyman: "anti-vaccine aggression."

But it was not the first time he's done this. Image 2) Hotez also called for deploying DHS last year in this nutty interview in @sciam. He also said we need to alert the U.N. General Council.

The "reporter" at Scientific American played along like this is just another day of normal in life. Image
Jul 3 8 tweets 3 min read
1) Announcing a Winner for the Dorit Reiss Vaccine Photo Contest!!!

I challenged readers to find anyone posting more photos of themselves getting jabbed than vaccine fanatic, Dorit Reiss. They found one. Image 2) I tripped across five photos @doritmi had posted of herself getting a vaccine and speculated she has likely posted more photos of herself getting vaccinated than anyone in the history of the Internet.

Well, I was wrong. Fanatics are everywhere. Image
Jun 12 11 tweets 3 min read
1) A week Fauci was caught lying to NY Times, House investigators catch NIH lying to @statnews' @HelenBranswell & @ScienceMagazine's @jocelynkaiser about virus research.

Will #scicomm writers finally stop protecting NIH?

Let's see the documents!!!
Image 2) @sciencemagazine first reported that NIH researcher Bernie Moss planned gain-of-function monkeypox experiments—swapping out genes from various variants—to understand why some are more dangerous or transmissible than others.
Jun 10 15 tweets 5 min read
1) After @cochranecollab Karla Soares-Weiser threw scientists under the bus, she has backtracked on her mask review statement.

Soares-Weiser has still not explained her unprofessional collusion w/ @zeynep
Image 2) On Friday, Soares Weiser quietly released a statement explaining that she would not be editing the Cochrane review on masks. Her prior March 2023 statement created a maelstrom of misinformation, including a spurious NY Times essay by social media influencer Zeynep Tufekci. Image
May 28 8 tweets 3 min read
1) WOW!

Tony Fauci's deputy, David Morens, admitted in a hearing he deleted government records and conspired with EcoHealth Alliance's Peter Daszak to restore Daszak's grant.

At the hearing's end, Morens' lawyer whispered to him, "Tie your shoe." 2) Morens admitted that he edited a compliance letter Daszak sent to the NIH, edited an EcoHealth Alliance press release after NIH terminated Daszak’s grant, and “put in a word” to the EcoHealth Alliance board when Daszak was worried about being fired.
May 21 8 tweets 4 min read
1) History has stopped. Nothing exists except the #COVID narrative—which is always right.

Tulane's John M. Barry printed "Masks Work" nonsense in the @nytopinion that contradicts history and his own book "The Great Influenza."
Image 2) John Barry is author of the NY Times bestseller "The Great Influenza" in which he wrote masks were "useless" against influenza. Image
May 13 7 tweets 3 min read
1) Science historian @equal_ibrium writes that Democrats laid into EcoHealth Alliance's Peter Daszak for reckless virus research.

He then asks if the bureaucracy is trying to make Daszak the fall guy, because more are responsible, especially funders.
Image 2) Democratic Ranking Member, Raul Ruiz, told Daszak in his closing statement. “It is important that you and your organization be held accountable.”
May 1 11 tweets 4 min read
1) Whistleblower says "New Knowledge" cybersecurity firm run by Jonathan Morgan & Renee DiResta trafficked in election disinformation.

Documents show Center for American Progress paid to for Hamilton 68 dashboard caught spreading Russian disinformation.
Image 2) New Knowledge filled w/ former NSA agents who explained the game to Betsy Depuis while out for drinks:
NSA cannot violate the Constitution, so they hire contractors to do their dirty work of spying on Americans and censoring them. Image
Apr 30 10 tweets 3 min read
1) EcoHealth Alliance's Peter Daszak testifies before Congress tomorrow.

In yesterday's exclusive, I created a timeline of Daszak's ever-changing story about his dangerous virus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

JUNE 2016: Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance notifies NIH that they plan to make chimeric MERS and SARS viruses in year 3 of a bat coronavirus grant.Image
Apr 25 11 tweets 4 min read
1) Medical authorities ignore past screwups, blunder onward while feigning expertise, and hope the public has the mental capacity of goldfish who forget their entire world every 15 minutes.

That's why people laughed at Lancet "misinformation" studies
Image 2) @tracybeanz, "You may want to sit this one out."

@jikkyleaks, "Misinformation you say?" Image
Apr 12 8 tweets 3 min read
1) WHO's leading vaccine official testified in court that she advised against #COVID passports & was ignored.
COVID vaccines didn't stop transmission; passports gave a false sense of security.

REMEMBER: truth about medicine always comes out in lawsuits.
Image 2) Dr. Hanna Nohynek is chief physician at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and serves as the WHO’s chair of Strategic Group of Experts on immunization.
Apr 9 8 tweets 3 min read
1) Pfizer has spread so much vax misinformation that a regulator accused them of "bringing discredit" on the entire industry--the entire industry!!!

And the fact checkers keep looking the other way.

Let's look at the facts.
Image 2) @FullFact even tried to bolster confidence in Pfizer’s #COVID vaccine by pointing out that—while Pfizer paid an unprecedented $2.3 billion fine for healthcare fraud—everyone needs to calm the fuck down, none of Pfizer’s fraud involved a vaccine. Image
Apr 3 12 tweets 4 min read
1) Allison Neitzel served as physician-expert on misinformation stories at NBC, Mother Jones, MedPage Today, & others, but was forced to apologise last week for spreading misinformation and defaming physicians.

Also, she's not a physician!
Image 2) In one incident, @AliNeitzelMD attacked physician @TracyBethHoeg as "Hoeg hag."

HOEG: “The fact [Neitzel] has not nearly completed her training but has appointed herself as an expert physician in pointing out misinformation strikes me as both odd and ironic.” Image
Mar 7 6 tweets 3 min read
1) A US Attorney's Office and the FBI are now monitoring public universities' release of #FOIA documents on sensitive science. What is going on?

The documents involve "disinformation researcher" Kate Starbird of UW & virologist Ralph Baric of UNC.
Image 2) The Justice Department's involvement became public though a state FOI.

An AUSA emailed Kate Starbird about reviewing release of public documents. Starbird is a "disinformation researcher" at UW.
Mar 1 8 tweets 3 min read
1) On January 31, 2020, Jon Cohen wrote for Science Magazine that “most researchers say” the virus could not have come from a lab.

The very next day, researchers Cohen quoted emailed concerns that the virus was actually engineered.

Let's see emails!! 2) Cohen's awkward “most researchers say” article is classic science writing. What science writers label “reporting’ is just calling up the known experts and then quoting them as experts.

Science writers report for, not on science. #sciomm
Feb 28 11 tweets 3 min read
1) Four years ago this week, published Taylor & Francis published a commentary claiming it was a “conspiracy theory” to speculate if COVID started in a Wuhan lab.

Emails show ghostwriting and the authors worried about a lab accident.
Image 2) The purported authors of the commentary are:
Shan-Lu Liu, Ohio State University
Linda J. Saif, Ohio State University
Susan R. Weiss, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Lishan Su, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Image