Scotland: 2022 mortality, Week 4 (NRS)…
Although mortality is keeping the high level (25 per 100k), it’s good to see keeping within the normal range / below average, after such extraordinary excess through summer 2021
Same data but shown by cause, with ‘covid mortality’ split by vaccination status. 83% of ‘deaths with covid’ vaccinated, and more majority now becoming ‘boosted'
This times excess mortality, by cause and location.
Location: All excess occurring at home.
Cause: Only others. Notably although we have ‘covid deaths’, total respiratory (taken including covid) is at/below normal.
Summary of excess deaths since the start, by location.
94.2% of excess deaths in Scotland have occurred at home, mostly cancer, then others, then heart attack / stroke. With the bad decisions affecting care homes in Mar/Apr 2020, it’s a terrible picture.
Excess mortality in 2022 so far, by cause and location.
Below normal which is good, but continuing excess at home.
Mortality in children continues normal, both <1 year, and age 1 to 14.
Finally correlation summary of mortality by age, just as we haven’t posted this for a while. (We review everything and more every week, but don’t always post all charts)
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