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Why Didn’t Anybody Tell Me About This New Japanese Knife? @trashfuturepod/@wtyppod/@killjamesbond/@nogodsnomayors. she/her but they/them if you’re mad at me

Feb 2, 2022, 7 tweets

last good looking British police car. sorry. it was all downhill from here

first they realised no one buys secondhand white cars and changed to silver, and that was okay I guess. even some of the early BMWs looked cool

battenberg and its consequences. sure it might have ‘saved lives’ by ‘preventing traffic accidents’ but look how shit it looks

side note that for a long time the Met’s Diplomatic Protection Group have used red cars, basically because they can. this looked weird but okay previously


there’s also a general point about how over the years police, particularly traffic police, have been loaded up with more and more and more shit, so now all the stuff they’re supposed to carry around doesn’t fit in a saloon any more, thus the wave of estates and 4x4s

anyway my Uber is here

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