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Feb 3, 2022, 5 tweets

A storm bringing heavy snow and ice from the Midwest and the South to the Northeast has already caused travel disruptions in the U.S.

Highways in Missouri are blocked, and a crash on Interstate 70 in Columbia halted traffic for a time.

Forecasters said that ice could make travel impossible in the Missouri Bootheel. Snow was expected to continue into Thursday for the St. Louis area, with temperatures dropping to 18 degrees overnight.

The storm closed courtrooms in New Mexico, and Amtrak paused train service across the Midwest and the South.

Snow piled up to a foot in parts of the Midwest. In Illinois, bus service was interrupted, and blowing snow limited visibility to a quarter-mile or less in some areas.

The icy precipitation has disrupted life across three time zones, and some of the worst impacts were still unfolding on Wednesday.

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