Magilla Gorilla 39 Profile picture
I temporarily live at Mr. Peeble's Pet Shop, but I am hoping to get a permanent home soon. I'm a focused gorilla detective. Tick, Tock Manitowoc. Tick, Tock.

Feb 3, 2022, 26 tweets

(1) According to Steven Avery's affidavit, someone broke into his residence on the evening of Nov 3rd, 2005, and Steve woke the next day and said,

"I smelled cigarette smoke in my trailer on November 4, ...., someone else had been in my trailer...."…

(2) At first, my primary suspect was a rogue MTSO officer, perhaps Lenk, but an excerpt from John Ferak's book, "The Wrecking Crew", gave me a different idea:

"Although Bobby does not smoke, Scott Tadych was a heavy cigarette smoker, Zellner observed."

Was it Tadych?

(3) Let's step back a little to Steven's affidavit section covering November 3rd.

Steven had reopened the deep cut on his finger while unhitching his sister's trailer. He dripped blood in his Pontiac on the gearshift and then went inside and dripped blood in his bathroom sink.

(4) Steven had been trying to go to Menard's with his brother Chuckie, and Bobby Dassey had witnessed him reopening the cut. He quickly wrapped his finger in duct tape and took off with Chuckie.

(4) While Steven and Chuckie were leaving, Steven saw tail lights near his home. The lights did not look like car lights, perhaps a RAV4, or Tadych's truck?

(5) While Steven and Chuckie were at Menards, there was an opportunity to enter Steven's residence and swab up blood from Steven's sink to plant in the RAV4.

(6) Now let's get back to the cigarette smoking man. If Tadych, working in league with Bobby, entered the trailer and swabbed up the blood, he had a clear opportunity to plant it on the RAV4 on November 3rd, shortly after.

(7) Scott Tadych held Steven in utter contempt and smoking in his residence showed it. There are also pry marks on the south front door and DCI techs later found traces of lifted blood in Steven's sink that had not been cleaned using blacklights (see evidence markers).

(8) On the evening of November 3rd, 2005, only the perpetrators knew where the RAV4 was located. The blood had to be lifted fairly quickly after Steven left for Menards. Bobby and Scott are the only suspects who fit this opportunity.

Scott must be the cigarette smoking man.

(9) If Sowinski was right about the date he saw Bobby and Gray Beard push the RAV4, it must have been somewhere else on the 3rd, perhaps the Mishicot Turnaround near Scott's trailer.

(10) Several witnesses (Kevin Rahmlow, Pam Sturm, ...) had reported an abandoned SUV at the East Twin River/Old Mishicot Dam Turnaround.

(11) Let's add a few deeper details. We can prove Steven had a deep cut on his finger and that he left blood in his Pontiac Grand Prix.

Steven's Affidavit and Zellner's tweets fill in the gaps.

(12) Police photos of Steven's sink show the evidence markers, and also show filth on the sink indicating the blood residue had not been cleaned up, but had been lifted.

The police report explains that blood was only found in the sink under an alternate light source.

(13) The March 2006 Garage Search video shows the front door was damaged at that time, and Zellner's demonstration video showed how easy it was to pry open the door.

(14) Zellner's other recreation video showed how easy it was to gather and plant the blood with q-tips and baggies.

(15) MTSO may have staked Steven out and found the blood, but they didn't know where the RAV4 was that night, and it would be difficult to plant it after it dried out.

Of course, some of the planted blood had flaked.

(16) I apologize for the amateur mash-up, but I believe Scott Tadych is "the cigarette smoking man" and participated in the gathering and planting of blood in the RAV4.

His contempt for Steven is well documented. His ties to Bobby were right there in the Wendy Baldwin Files.

(17) Scott lied in his court testimony.

(18) Scott lied to Inv. Wendy Baldwin about the call from the hysterical teenager and the Savage 22 LR rifle he tried to sell to Jay Mathes.

(19) Scott lied on the stand about both his and Bobby Dassey's whereabouts on Oct 31st, 2005.

(20) Scott told everyone at work that he thought Steven was guilty and that Brendan had clothes with a suspicious stain.

(21) Scott briefly smiled during the reading of the verdict against Brendan Dassey.

(22) Scott & Bobby provided what we now know were false alibis for each other, which is very inculpating.

Bobby saw Steven reopen his cut on the trailer hitch and leave for Menards. Someone who smoked entered Steven's trailer while he was off shopping.

(23) The Police only found blood residue in Steven's bathroom sink using an alternate light source, but THE SINK HAD NOT BEEN CLEANED.

Someone had lifted the blood stains from the sink without cleaning off the soap scum.

(24) The blood would coagulate and dry in an hour or two. Only the perpetrators knew where the RAV4 was on the evening of Nov 3, 2005, when the blood was lifted.

(25) As blood spatter expert Stuart H. James concluded, the stain on the dashboard looked like it was planted and was not consistent with blood transfer from Steven's cut finger.

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