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Feb 3, 2022, 17 tweets

Helmets of the cities, different types of domes and roofs from Muslim architecture

Dome of the rock, lt was built in 7th century by Umayyads, the dome was rebuilt in 11th century after an earthquake - Al-Quds / Palestine

Rawda, or the green dome. Tomb of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) his companions and Aisha (ra). The last version was built and painted in early 19th century by Ottomans during the reign of Sultan Mahmut II

Umayyad Mosque of Damascus. It was built in early 8th century by Ummayyad caliph Waleed I

Qairouan mosque or mosque of Uqba bin Nafe', established by Uqba ibn Nafi in 7th century

Apparently I misspelled the name in the original post 😅

Roof of Cordoba grand Mosque's dome, lt was built my Ummayyads of Andalusia in late 8th century. Later converted to cathedral. It might look humble from outside, but from inside the dome is stunning

al-Sultan al-Muayyad mosque, another gem from Mamluk architecture in Cairo, from 15th century

And yes it is available on my Etsy and Shopier 🙂


I love Mughal domes. The Badshahi Mosque was constructed by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb in 17th century - Lahor

Another wonder from Architect Sinan, 16th century Selimiye mosque in Edirne the second capital of Ottomans

One of my favorites, Shah mosque of Esfahan from 17th century. It was established by Safavid Shah Abbas I

18th century wonder from Lima Kaum - Indonesia. South East Asian architecture is a new discovery for me and it never seazes to amaze me!

Lovely modern design. Al-Nilein (Two Niles) Mosque from Sudan. 1970s.

Ubudiah Mosque, early 20th century beauty from Malaysia

خوذات المدن ، أنواع مختلفة من القباب والأسطح من العمارة الإسلامية

correction: Aisha (Ra) was buried in al-Baqi cemetery

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