Magilla Gorilla 39 Profile picture
I temporarily live at Mr. Peeble's Pet Shop, but I am hoping to get a permanent home soon. I'm a focused gorilla detective. Tick, Tock Manitowoc. Tick, Tock.

Feb 3, 2022, 23 tweets

(1) How Strang missed his opportunity to impeach Scott Tadych regarding his and Bobby's alibis.

Nov 10th:
"... saw Bobbie about 1/2 mile east of Avery Junk Yard, just before the curve in the road."

At Trail:
He [Bobby] was slowing down to turn into my driveway."

(2) Breaking it down:

When Scott Tadych was interviewed by the WI DCI on 11/10/2005 at 2:03 pm (left, below), he said said he (right, below):

"... saw Bobbie about 1/2 mile east of Avery Junk Yard, just before the curve in the road."…

(3) Scott had said he lived about 2 miles away. His address was 12764 State Highway 147, Mishicot, WI, but I believe I have identified the location of his driveway on the google map below, and it comes up as 12744.

The driving distance is 1.9 miles.

(4) Scott said he was 1/2 mile east of the Avery Junk Yard. I measured a 1/2 mile from the junction of Avery Road and WI-147 using map tools in the figure below.

Scott said it was just before a bend in the road. This location is actually just after a slight bend to the left.

(5) There is also a slight bend back to the right, further east on WI-147 that is about 0.3 miles from Scott's driveway.

The speed limit on WI-147 is 55 mph, and it would take 20 seconds to drive 0.3 miles at this speed limit.

(6) Given that the entire trip is just under 2 miles, and Scott said he was 0.5 miles east of the Avery Junk Yard, it's much more likely that Scott was referring to the slight bend the left on WI-147, which is less than 1/2 mile from the junction of Avery Road and WI-147.

(7) At Steven Avery's trial, during Scott's cross examination by Strang, Scott is confronted with the 55 mph speed limit on WI-147, and argues he was only doing 25 mph, tops, because, "He [Bobby] was slowing down to turn in my driveway and I was driving up 147."

(8) Scott's story changed, because it had to change to maintain high credibility for the identification of Bobby, and Bobby's identification of him, and to explain how Bobby knew Scott was going hunting.

Unfortunately, Strang did not have the original interview details in mind.

(9) I believe this is the location of Scott Tadych's driveway in 2005. There is no longer a trailer there, but remnants of the driveway are still visible.

(10) The location of Scott Tadych's driveway is less than 1/2 mile from the Mishicot Roundabout, where Kevin Rahmlow reported seeing the RAV4 a few days prior to its discovery at the Avery Auto Salvage yard.

The westside woods are the location where Bobby supposedly deer hunted.

(11) In one of Zellner filings, Zellner described the witnesses of the RAV4 at the Mishicot Roundabout (aka the Old Dam site) like this.…

(12) No matter how you slice it, Scott Tadych's story about seeing Bobby Dassey as he left to go hunting changed at trial and should have been strongly impeached using the statement he made in his Nov. 10th interview.

(13) The testimonies given by both Bobby Dassey and by Scott Tadych established their alibis at trial.

We now know those alibis to be false.

In my experience, providing false alibis is highly inculpating.

(14) Why didn't Strang do more to impeach Scott Tadych's testimony during cross?

Do you think my more deliberate walk through would have been effective against Scott?

(15) ETA: More evidence of Scott Tadych's perjury:

When Bobby Dassey was interviewed by Sp. Inv. Dedering during his 2017 reinvestigation, he gave Scott's first location:

"BOBBY stated he saw SCOTT TADYCH on STH 147 in the vicinity of Jambo Creek Road."

(16) I've colored Jambo Creek Road red in the map below. The location Bobby gave is consistent with Scott's earliest description, "about 1/2 mile east of the Avery Junk Yard, just before the bend".

It's not consistent with Bobby slowing to 25 mph to turn into Scott's driveway.

(17) Here are Google Streets View of the Jambo Creek Road intersection as soon from WI-147 heading east. It is a 2-way stop, with no stop for WI-147. You can also see the bend to the left on the horizon. The speed limit is 55 mph.

I've included a view of an oncoming truck.

(18) At 55 mph, the vehicles would close on each other at 110 mph, or 161.3 ft/s. The vehicles would be within 50 feet of each other for about 0.3s.

(19) With tinted windshields, it can be difficult to identify a driver in an oncoming car, even at slow speeds. Consider this video.

I have no idea why these wankers are driving on the wrong side of the road.

(20) In that video, the driver was going slower than 25 mph while passing, and I couldn't even make out a driver's face, but maybe that's a British thing.

(21) At the time Bobby claimed that Scott Tadych could tell he police exactly what time it was, Scott told police he barely knew Bobby.

Further, as @Joriz74 remarked, Bobby could have driven any one of several vehicles. Why would Scott know it was Bobby so easily?

(22) There's also the issue of how clean the vehicles were. Here's a very clean 2002 Ford Ranger standing still, but I still can't see anything through the windshield.

(23) Here's a video of an oncoming car on an undivided highway, like WI STH-147:

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