CJ (Citizen Journalist 🇮🇳 My Bharat My Family) Profile picture
Techie | Political Observer | Dharmic Wing | Everyone on the Earth is Secular but not at the cost of their Dharma, Culture, Identity, Country & Land.

Feb 4, 2022, 14 tweets

Muslim Women around the world burning #Hizab - A symbol of oppression & celebrating #NoHizabDay

Meanwhile Indian Feminists marketing #Hizab as Right of Choice

BTW These are same Feminists which opposed Gunghat, Mangalsutra, Karwa-Chauth & Rakhi

Hypocrisy Ke Bhi Seema Hoti Hai

#Hizab Debate:
Shariya is above Constitution?
Communal Dress is above Secular Dress Code?

#Hizab Debate:
Shariya is above Constitution?
Communal Dress is above Secular Dress Code?

Ghunghat is Communal but Hizab is Secular

Ghunghat is Regressive but Hizab is Progressive

~ Lutyens Ecosystem and Indian Islamists & Feminist.

Kuffar Ke Har Jhanso Ke Main Chinta Kati Hoon...
Muslim Qaum Ki Beti Hu Mai Parda Karti Hoon...

#Hijab - A manipulation for Islamic Patriarchy, brainwash for Political Islam.

#Hijab - A symbol of Islamic Patriarchy.

Talibani Extremists and Liberal Feminist both are promoting & brainwashing for this tool of Political Islam.

Hijab on Earth, Bikini in Heaven.

Ye Bhed-Bhav Kyu ...?

Stone-Pelting is also essential Religious Practice?
#Hijab #HijabRow

Indian Court allowed Quran to be Quoted by Islamists for #Hizab at Secular Place as Essential Religious Practice.

Tomorrow, same Court can allow Quran to be Quoted to Kill all Kaafirs (Non-Muslims) as Essential Religious Practice?

Where will this end?
#Hijab #HijabRow

Stone-Pelting is also part of essential religious practice?
#Hijab #HijabRow

#Hizab is our First Priority, Education is our Secondary Priority. ~ Muslim Girls in support of #Hizab

#HizabRow #SaffronShawls

The lawyer Devadatt Kamat, who appeared in Karnataka High Court to support Hijab is a KHANgress Member.

#HizabRow #SaffronShawls

2021: #Hizab was not essential religious practice.

2022: #Hizab became essential religious practice.

#HizabRow #SaffronShawls

Radicals Islamists:

In Indonesia: Destroy Secularism.
In England: Democracy Failed, Islam is the way forward.

In India: Implementing Shariya with the help of Democracy & Secularism.

#HizabRow #SaffronShawls

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