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Feb 4, 2022, 5 tweets

UPDATED: WHO #COVID19 clinical CARE - Confirm, Assess, Respond, Evaluate - tool to support health care workers visualize the current WHO recommendations for the care of patients with COVID-19.

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WHO #COVID19 clinical CARE - Confirm, Assess, Respond, Evaluate

C stands for Confirm: Ensure prompt #COVID19 diagnosis using PCR or antigen-detection rapid test


WHO #COVID19 clinical CARE - Confirm, Assess, Respond, Evaluate

A stands for Assess:
•Risk factors

Provide early clinical assessment and evaluation to determine if the patient need treatment, clinical referral or admission to hospital care.

WHO #COVID19 clinical CARE - Confirm, Assess, Respond, Evaluate

R stands for Respond: With appropriate care and treatment
Treatment selection is determined by severity of disease and risk factors.


WHO #COVID19 clinical CARE - Confirm, Assess, Respond, Evaluate

E stands for Evaluate: Clinical response and recovery, including for patients who develop post COVID-19 condition


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