Magilla Gorilla 39 Profile picture
I temporarily live at Mr. Peeble's Pet Shop, but I am hoping to get a permanent home soon. I'm a focused gorilla detective. Tick, Tock Manitowoc. Tick, Tock.

Feb 4, 2022, 14 tweets

(1) In his March 30th, 2006 police interview, SCOTT TADYCH places himself in the Janda/Dassey laundry room on the week Teresa disappeared.

He's questioned about this because he has had loose lips at work, casting suspicion on Brendan.

(2) SCOTT TADYCH's admission corroborates statements made by Steven Avery about SCOTT in his supplemental affidavit of Nov 14th, 2017.

(3) Steven swore under oath:

10. My work schedule at the salvage yard was from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Several times when I was at work, I noticed Scott Tadych enter the property in his green truck and proceed to Barb's trailer, where Bobby was at home.

(4) Scott admits this in his police interview of 3/27/2006, because his coworkers have told police about his statements concerning Brendan's laundry. Scott denied this in earlier statements.

(5) Indeed, in Scott's earliest 11/10/05 statement to the police, he minimized his associations with Barb, Barb's boys and Barb's home.

Minimizing is a instinctive method of deception.

(6) In Steven's 2nd supplemental affidavit of June 29th, 2018, he swears that between 12:09 pm and 12:16 pm, while making phone calls during his lunch break:

"I saw Mr Tadych's vehicle parked directly behind Bobby's Blazer."

The phone records had refreshed his memory.

(7) Steven did not know when Scott Tadych had arrived at the Janda/Dassey residence that morning. Zellner claims to have another witness who saw Scott Tadych's Green Ford Ranger Truck on the Avery property about that time, corroborating Steven's affidavit.

(8) Teresa made a 65 second call trying to reach Barb Janda (BARB below) that started at 11:43:30 am, about a half hour before Steven saw Scott's truck at the Janda/Dassey residence.

(9) The call was picked up by Barb Janda's answering machine, and Teresa left a 34 second message that was recovered by the police.

(10) At that time, Bobby and Scott were in the house and likely screened the call as it came into the answering machine.

If either of them picked up the phone when Teresa said "Thank you", they would have had up to 31 seconds, less the greeting, to talk to Teresa.

(11) Another simple time for Bobby Dassey to arrange a "hustle shot" for Teresa would have been when he went out to his Blazer to leave.

Bobby drew this map of that moment in time.

(12) Both of these scenarios are simpler than Zellner's, and I believe more likely ways, for Bobby and Scott to have intercepted Teresa. For both these scenarios, Bobby could have led Teresa a short distance away from Steven's home without raising her suspicion.

(13) Bobby Dassey may have simply led Teresa to the Kuss Road Cul de Sac, where Scott was waiting with his Green Ford Ranger.

Scott did know the trail by Steven's trailer to the Kuss Road Cul de Sac, because he used it when Steven saw his tail lights on the way to Menards.

(14) In this thread, I've shown how Scott Tadych placed himself at the Janda/Dassey residence doing laundry, the week of the crime.

How two witnesses put Scott there the day of the crime.

And how easy it would've been to have led Teresa to a private place to photograph a truck.

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