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Designer at @AskYourPdf @coWriter_

Feb 4, 2022, 9 tweets

UI/UX Design Tips: How to structure a good website homepage.

A homepage for a business is like actually telling a story, which unfolds step by step as the user scrolls the page. It has to follow a logical order.

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Section 1: Value Proposition (also known as Hero section)

This is where you talk about the main value your business is providing using images , videos, illustrations , text and Closing it out with a CTA (call-to-action) button.

Section 2 : Social Proof

This is optional for new startups. This section builds credibility for the business and tell new customers/visitors that " People have used our company/product and they like it "

Social Proof includes reviews, stats by numbers, awards, Partners etc.

Section 3: Benefits Of using your company.

There's a difference between benefits and features. Benefits are what you get from using our products and features are what our Product can do.

For example: your company sells pencils, the benefits can be " Become better at your craft or Draw smoother lines While the features are the aesthetics of that pencil.

Section 4: Features

In this section , you get more technical about your business or product. You talk more what your product does. This section can also be called SERVICES if it's an agency.

Section 5 : Call-to-Action (CTA)

Every business wants the customers to take action. This actions can be Buy, Download app, Sign up, contact us etc.

Section 6: More social Proof

Here you add more testimonials, Product reviews , partners , sponsors..

Finally Section 7: Footer

Footers are meant for SEO stuffs and for providing more links to internal pages.

You can add your logo, address, contact details and useful links.

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