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Fact-Checker, Co-founder @AltNews | Analysing misinfo/disinfo across India | E-mail: | insta :

Feb 4, 2022, 8 tweets

Violent videos against Asaduddin Owaisi are not new. Mainstream news channels and anchors like Suresh Chavhanke of Sudarshan TV have described him as a demon, a traitor and “worse than a d0g”.

'Sachin Hindu' has been sharing inflammatory videos against Owaisi. In one recording shared on his Facebook page, Owaisi is shown as a traitor, with a knife placed near his throat with the demand that he leave for Pakistan.

Pinky went on to warn Owaisi, as long as the volunteers of Hindu Raksha Dal and warriors of Hindu Raksha Dal are working for Hindutva, they will sl'it your thπoat and glorify my name,” he said in the video.

On Nov 9 2021, Suresh Rajput, a disciple of Yati uploaded a video on Facebook about Owaisi. In it, Rajput called Muslims 'pi*gs' and described the violence in Tripura – which was widely reported at the time – as 'Diwali'.

The Hindutva pop music industry led by Sandeep Acharya, another disciple of Yati Narsinghanand, has made graphic videos and hate songs against the AIMIM leader

In an article on “how Yati Narsinghanand scared Owaisi” in the right wing propaganda website ‘Kreately’, promoted by BJP leader Kapil Mishra, There is a direct reference to shooting Owaisi.

Do read the article for more details…

July 2018 : @SureshChavhanke says, "When nationalist like you talk about sh00ting such tr@itors and we show it live, then our intent is questioned.”
The next speaker says that Owaisi should be burnt alive, to which Chavhanke agrees.

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